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Old March 27th, 2009, 21:07   #1
HaZarD SFD's Avatar
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Youtube Airsoft Idiots Thread

If they were to clean up their act and apologize ASCwide and come to a game legally would you let them on the field?

Now dont get on their asses like white on rice. If you were them and didnt know of ASC or any airsoft field and discovered airsoft and lived in a damn apartment building where would you go play?

If I was them I would be feeling like a total ass that 20k canadians hate me and I would kill for a 2nd chance to get into the sport the right way.

Oh and a nice big apology letter to ASC and the Public (Just in case any see or find it)

Now mind you the 18yoa still applies and if they are underage they all need to wait.

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Old March 27th, 2009, 21:28   #2
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Well.... That's a tough question. (Haven't seen the video yet).

I personally would let them play hesitantly and keep an eye on them for the first few games. If they're sincere in the apology I don't see a reason why not to, they're at least trying to apologize for their mistake and wanting to do things properly. Although sometimes an apology is not enough if it really was a big screw up.

That being said there might be an outcry from some players and it would split the community even more. We need to be united. Having half of us wanting to let them play and the other half wanting a ban for life will be counterproductive to our goal of having airsoft becoming more legal than it is at the current time. I stress unity because if we are split it just makes it that much harder.

There really is no good way to go about this without a shitfest occurring.
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Old March 27th, 2009, 21:46   #3
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The poster was 17, so it seems moot. Not to mention there's no apology or anything like that, so this seems like a purely hypothetical debate.

As with all acts of stupidity, if they actually did learn anything from it they should just lay low for a year or two and hope everyone forgets their face, and then they can re-introduce themselves like any newcomer would.

Historically, there's been little mercy on ASC for fuckups that come running back with a half hearted apology hoping they'll be greeted back into the fold with open arms.

ASC, it would seem, gives no quarter.
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Old March 27th, 2009, 21:47   #4
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Goodness knows I'd be a pretty big hypocrite if I didn't forgive others for the absolutely idiotic things they've done as a teenager. Give it a couple of months for heads to cool down, and if their apology is sincere, then I say let the players who are old enough to play come out (under the strict condition they can't f-up once), as for the ones who aren't old enough, there is always paintball.
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Old March 27th, 2009, 22:01   #5
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not sure how to say that but, in regard to the kids in the video, i would be more hostile to them because they DO know that what they were doing was wrong, they even types it in big letter in their video. that being said i would be more gentle... no... less hostile to a kid that was backyard plinking on a private property. the kids from that video should have to prove themselves ALOT! imo to get a second chance

sorry i'm not good to express an opinion in english

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Old March 27th, 2009, 22:04   #6
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Add to that the fact that the guns themselves come with warning images in the manuals stating not to use them in public and not to even carry them in public. The fact that they had to get their parents to buy the guns should have given a message in and of itself.

I say ban them from games and the entire airsoft community, period. If they found then they had to have come across ASC at some point or some site that explained even the basics of not showing them in public. Getting them criminally charged would be great, they get more of a second chance then they deserve as their criminal record is wiped out when they turn 18 anyway. It would be great if their parents could be charged but douchbaggery is not a criminal charge in Canada.

Canadian law even specifically states that ignorance of the law is NOT a defense.
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Old March 27th, 2009, 22:04   #7
Swatt Six-Four
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I must be lookin at the wrong vid

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Last edited by Swatt Six-Four; March 27th, 2009 at 22:12..
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Old March 27th, 2009, 22:12   #8
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Once must keep in mind that the majority of us players are quite a bit older and know the rules and laws pertaining to airsoft. Kids will be kids, and we've ALL done stupid shit as kids - some of us worse than others.

Now, I'm not justifying their actions in any way. Aside from being illegal on many levels, what they did was dumb beyond belief and dangerous, because innocent people passing by could have been hit and injured (yeah, a 1 in a million chance of a stray eye shot, but shit happens). And I agree they're lucky as shit that their games weren't greeted by the SWAT team with their "real toys".

Now they're been told (repeatedly) and raked over the coals well by many of you guys, and have removed their video. Now to see how they handle themselves once they've been informed of their wrongdoing. How it goes for them is dependent on what they do now.

However, it's not like we can police them anyway. Perhaps they'll just ignore us altogether and keep playing, but just not post videos of it anymore. Or maybe they'll wait till they're of age and actually attempt to attend real games. Regardless of how we disagree with their actions, there's little that we can do about it to stop them.

IMO, the real people to blame here are the parents anyway for letting the kids have these guns and run amuck in a public setting with them.
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Old March 27th, 2009, 22:20   #9
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well then, call the parents.
they would probably love to hear about their son's behaviour
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Old March 27th, 2009, 22:21   #10
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
IMO, the real people to blame here are the parents anyway for letting the kids have these guns and run amuck in a public setting with them.
plus fucking one. Don't punish the kids here. It's the completely retarded parents that thought it would be a good idea to let their kids run around with mock assault rifles and SMGs in public that should be shot.

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Old March 27th, 2009, 22:25   #11
Swatt Six-Four
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LOL all I found the vids from red dragon airsoft bitchin at ASC and the vid response from Amos LMAO

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Old March 27th, 2009, 22:30   #12
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
well then, call the parents.
they would probably love to hear about their son's behaviour
That's assuming that the parents aren't total idiots either. Sadly, that seems to be a trend with parents these days. They just give their kids everything they want and let them do anything at all unchallenged. And these types of parents will always defend their kids' actions, regardless how stupid it is.

I can't fathom that in this day and age, parents would let their kids have guns, airsoft, pellet, or otherwise unsupervised. Yeah, 9 year old son has 2 TM Boys AEGs, and we shoot them together all the time. But when we're done, I put them away and he has no access to them. That's the only ways kids should be allowed to have these things.
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Old March 27th, 2009, 22:30   #13
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6-4. the vid's been deleted but the thread is still floating around in OT from yesterday
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Old March 27th, 2009, 22:31   #14
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After some msn conversations with them, some of them are apparently 18. If they do this again, even though they've said that they won't...we know exactly where they live and can report them to the police at any time.

I'm on the edge here, I feel that second chances are good, but still like Lutnit said type anything like airsoft and canada into google or ottawa and airsoft into google and you get tons of links to ASC, LZOttawa, or Ottawa Airsoft. Seems like they just ignored all of the rules or didn't bother to look them up, and just went ahead and started playing. Again, from conversations, seems like they usually drive out a ways (from where they live) and play in the forest...not sure where.

I'd like to see them apologize anyway, even if it doesn't get them into the local community.
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Old March 27th, 2009, 22:34   #15
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What is the point of this thread?
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