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Old December 29th, 2006, 20:47   #1
Join Date: Dec 2006
Gun selection

Hello everyone ! I'm quite new there and it's my first post, there's surely way too much question about wich guns one should get or not, but my questions is a little differant. I'm working in an animation company and we're looking to add an Airsoft activity to our schedule. I've read about importing guns and everything, and found out only 2 sellers. I wonder wich gun would be the best deal as a RESISTANT one, we're all beginer so we don't want to invest 500$ for each gun, we got a bunch to buy so we can rent them. The cheaper and harder it is, the best it will be. I'm open to every comment
Thanx !

PS: Sorry for the mistakes.... english isn't my first language
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Old December 29th, 2006, 20:51   #2
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Greylocks, do you want this one?
achieving peace thru superior firepower
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Old December 29th, 2006, 20:51   #3
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You can try to post in french if that is your first language.

Read the Newbie Guide, and read more of this forum because that is a Frequently Asked Question. Then read the Reviews and the Airsoft Gun Discussion part of the forums.

Go through the age-verification process, and be a bit clearer about where you are in Canada.

I suggest you also find a local game and go there before even trying to buy anything.
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Old December 29th, 2006, 20:52   #4
Originally Posted by Gordaf436 View Post
we're all beginer so we don't want to invest 500$ for each gun,
No luck there. Unless your buying used, you won't get much for less then $500. Unless you want to go with those clear plastic guns from Canadian Tire.
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Old December 29th, 2006, 20:59   #5
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If you cannot afford AT LEAST $500 for a gun and other needed stuff, forget airsoft.
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Old December 30th, 2006, 01:54   #6
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After reading some threads of the FAQ I still don't have much more information... I'm in Quebec if it may change anything. I'm not gonna invest 500$ in a gun for a simple reason, I need to buy about 15-20 of them, if the activity was already running with used players then I'll be looking for better guns, for the moment I'm only searching something resistant, affordable and if possible not in transparent plastic.

Up to now I founds the M4A1 Boys made by TM wich is in my costs and seems to be a good starting choice (from it's reviews). Of what I saw, the "Boys" serie might contain a bunch of interesting guns in it, altought I only saw 2 of them. They're not as good as an AEG, are smallers, but it will be way better than the Canadian Tire version I may get here...

For the purpose of finding a game to play... Where I am PaintBall is well established, Airsoft is totally unknown to everyone around, that's one of the reason why we're trying to start it, instead of an other paintball game.
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Old December 30th, 2006, 02:59   #7
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Game centers over here in Hong Kong are using China copies of MP5's and AK's. They work good enough, come at ~330fps stock and for 1/3 the price. They break down once in a while but considering they're being abused by first timers with no respect for them, they do well enough.

I dunno if anyone's importing China copies though. I can get a hold of them, but you're gonna have to find someone with a license to import them for you.

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Old December 30th, 2006, 03:05   #8
Rick Cache
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Try Anderson and Anderson airsoft. They sell chinese made. Go to the Canadian retailers drop down menue to find their site.
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Old December 30th, 2006, 04:44   #9
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Thanx alot !! These are exactly what I was hoping for ! By the way I got a new question, about BBs. Is there any kind wich aren't dammagable for the nature ? Bio-BB or the likes, I heard these exist... but it's not a sure source.
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Old December 30th, 2006, 04:55   #10
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Hippie BB's? They proably exist, first I've heard of them though. Try doing a search on the internet for them, bio bb's or something, I've seen a lot of the stock from the canadian and american retailers on the internet never seen a bio bb.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
Toys: SSG24, JG BAR 10, Krytac CRB, Krytac SPR, GG Black Orchid APR 9, Taurus PT99, TM MK23
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Old December 30th, 2006, 04:59   #11
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Just in case the boyz covered this question for me as well they made some good points, and talked about a lot of options in weapons, and what types would be a good starter rifle and reasonable, so if you haven't looked at this thread yet here it is for yah.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
Toys: SSG24, JG BAR 10, Krytac CRB, Krytac SPR, GG Black Orchid APR 9, Taurus PT99, TM MK23
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Old December 30th, 2006, 05:16   #12
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Originally Posted by Rukus View Post
Hippie BB's? They proably exist, first I've heard of them though. Try doing a search on the internet for them, bio bb's or something, I've seen a lot of the stock from the canadian and american retailers on the internet never seen a bio bb.
Too bad no one really tested how long it takes to degrade.

we're looking to add an Airsoft activity to our schedule
Why would you need to buy guns if you're adding to what sounds like a one time or at least a scarce periodic event for your company? I'm guessing you are referring to team building type activities?

Perhaps be a little specific would be helpful. You can type in French if it helps you get the message across more clear. There are plenty of French speaking members on the forum to help.
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Old December 30th, 2006, 07:53   #13
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1) N'achete PAS rien qui est de mauvaise qualite. Tu vas le regretter. C'est comme vouloir aller en Formule 1 avec un tricycle. Les armes 'cheap' brisent presque tout de suite.

2) Tu a besoin de munitions, batteries, chargeurs pour batteries, chargeurs (magazines) de plus pour les armes, equipement de protection, etc. Donc cela s'additionne vite.

3) Tu dois etre 18 ans et plus, avec preuve.

4) Pourquoi tu ne vas pas a une rencontre locale pour voir et essayer avant? Peut etre louer avant d'acheter? Verifie la section Teams pour le Quebec et renseigne toi avant d'acheter de la merde.
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Old December 30th, 2006, 12:06   #14
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Concernant la qualité de ces copies de Chine je vais devoir faire quelque recherche, si tout le monde dit que ca brise sans cesse, alors je reguarderai pour autre chose.

Pour ce qui est des batteries, lunette et tout le kit, c'est justement un des bon point qu'il y a avec ces copies, elle vienne avec tout le matériel nécéssaire =D

Pour la rencontre locale, comme j'ai dit dans un autre post, la ou je suis il n'y a aucune activité de AirSoft, nous serions en quelque sorte les premiers a offrir cet activité dans le secteur.

Je n'ai probablement pas été clair en disant que l'on voullait ajouter une activité de SoftBall, nous avons un terrains louer a l'année ou nous faisons deja une activité 1 fin de semaine sur 2, le SoftBall serait probablement la fin de semaine de libre, et peut-être durant la semaine, tout dépendant du nombre d'interessé une fois le projet mis en marche.

Concernant les BBs, j'en cherche qui soit biodegradable car le terrain est louer, donc nous devons tout ramassé a la fin de l'année.... et 6000 petite balle de plastique c'est pas la joie a ramassé en foret!
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Old December 30th, 2006, 14:05   #15
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Hey Gordaf, t'es animateur pour quel studio? Jsuis designer pour EA et j'ai l'intention d'amener mon equipe a faire du airsoft. Le jeu sur lequel on travail a un G36 dedans et je sais que bien des dev voudraient en tenir une repro.

Le mieux pour toi serait de te pointer a une game pour assister et regarder les armes, poser des questions et tenir les aeg. Toujours plus efficace que de demander ici quand tout a deja ete dit.

Si sa t'interesse, il y a une game au Action Commando le 10jan. 2007. Tu pourrais faire verifier ton age en meme temps si Fox ou qqn d'autre pour verifier se pointe.

De mon cote, je te suggererais d'y aller avec des MP5 de Tokyo Marui c'est relativement assez resistant et pas trop cher. Il faut aussi que tu tienne compte des batteries, chargeurs ainsi que lunettes de protection. Le reste est optionnel mais fortement recommende puisque de jouer une game en jeans quand tu es suppose etre un soldat est un peu mal vu. Comme c'est indique un peu partout, sa coute entre 800 et 1200$ par personne pour commencer le airsoft assez bien equipe. Si vous avez l'intention de faire des parties entre vous seulement, vous pouvez enlever l'equipement de camouflage, bottes, gants, etc et seriez capable de demarrer a environ 600$ par personnes.
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