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How to do a remote detonator for under 50$


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Old December 4th, 2006, 16:25   #1
Kos-Mos's Avatar
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How to do a remote detonator for under 50$

Just found some things lying in a box around here... and I made this.

You just need to buy a radio car at The Source (old radioshack)

The Xmods cars. These have a nice folding remote, and still have channels so anyone won't detonate or activate your device.

First open the remote. There is a few little screws, so you will have to keep them separated. there is 3 lenght.

Then when you reach the control board. remove it and flip it over.

You have to scrape out the connections on the far side so that only the last "step" can be activated. I used an exacto to do this, but a flat screwdriver can work too.

Then you can just replace everything back, except the steering wheel. we won't need it, and removing it will make the remote easier to fit in a pouch on your vest.

Then it's time for the car...

Disasemble the whole car until you can have only the little board, the battery rack and the servo. You can discard everything else. Cut out the servo wires right on the board, since we won't need it. Then, cut the black connector used to connect to the motor, and solder the wires on a little 5v relay.

It's done! You can fit the little "detonator" in a plastic or metal box, so it won't get damaged. If you use a metal box, don't forget to have something between the board and the metalic side of the box. Double sided tape is good for that since it will hold the things in place at the same time.

All you have to do now it to use the relay as a remote switch. When you will push the throttle all the way in, the relay will click on and activate whatever device you whan.

I use this to make a decoy device. It just is a little piezo buzzer, so ppl go look at it and i shot them. Works well.

The only thing is that range is limited to about 30m in clear area.


Forgot to say that you can leave the power switch on all the time, since when you flip closed the remote, the power is disengaged. All the buttons on top of the remote are useless, except the "Th. trim" Set this one to "Hi"

Looks like this when done. I will probably paint it all flat black for a more "tactical use"

Last edited by Kos-Mos; December 9th, 2007 at 05:13..
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Old December 4th, 2006, 16:42   #2
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: MB
Princess Auto actually has pre-made remote control units now that are meant for operating car doors and starters and stuff, but can be used for anything. They're about 30 bucks and have four channels, and a tiny key fob with four "firing buttons" and a sliding safety switch too! The only thing is the unit's a bit bulky, and requires as 12V power source just to power the remote relay box. You can then put any voltage through the relays you like up to 12V.

I just checked their website and I can't find it listed so you may want to check your local store for them. They're in the automotive electrical section.
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Old December 4th, 2006, 18:24   #3
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Cool. Something for me to get my hands (and mind) into!
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