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Eye protection: Ballistic glasses?


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Old July 25th, 2006, 13:20   #1
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Eye protection: Ballistic glasses?

Hey guys, got a question. I've never played Airsoft but now that I'm moving to a city where I assume there are some teams, I thought I might give it a try. I figure I've already got all the gear I need from my days of 3 gun and tactical rifle matches but was wondering about eye protection. I've got a pair of ballistic shooting glasses that will stop #3 shot from 10 yards, would those be good for airsoft? I'm thinking there may be an issue with them not sealing around the eyes as with goggles.

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Old July 25th, 2006, 13:35   #2
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BEW is allowed at some fields, and I know most guys prefer it. However, the large majority of fields only allow Paintball masks due to insurance reasons. So, yes, proper, sealing BEW will work, but in most cases you'll need a P-ball mask. Get both, then you have the option
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 01:23   #3
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I'm planning to get a pair of X800's of those Bolle.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 01:33   #4
PTE. Pyle
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Realistically a good bew will be fine. the chance of a bb ricocheting behind your glasses and hitting your eye are extremely slim. but as gandar said some fields enforce a goggle only rule due to insurance reasons, id get a pair of cheep jt goggles and if you find yourself at a field with a goggle only rule then you have them.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 08:12   #5
Originally Posted by PTE. Pyle
Realistically a good bew will be fine. the chance of a bb ricocheting behind your glasses and hitting your eye are extremely slim. but as gandar said some fields enforce a goggle only rule due to insurance reasons, id get a pair of cheep jt goggles and if you find yourself at a field with a goggle only rule then you have them.
true, but it can happen. I used to wear BEW and I had a BB get through once, came in from the side and slammed into my nose. Extremely rare, and some add foam to make a gasket, but really, you only get 1 pair of eyes, so its not worth it...A good pair of tatical goggles is worth every penny.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 12:01   #6
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last week at one of our big games 150-250 people , some one got shot point blank in the face rounds hit his WileyX glasses , the lens was fine but 1 bb hit the frame of the glasses and shattered the frame in half causing the glasses to fall of his face he then took more rounds .. he luckily had no serious damage done but its something to be aware of I personally dont think it could happed on the x800 or wire frame glasses but who knows ,be safe
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 14:05   #7
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I wear glasses. Can anyone recommend some sort of goggles/p-ball mask that fits over corrective lenses? I've had that problem for a while now with paintball.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 14:11   #8
The Saint
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I've tried wearing my JT Spectre over my glasses, they seem to fit reasonably well, so there's one. I've also found that lower end JT goggles aren't as wide as the Spectre and don't work as well with my glasses.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 16:35   #9
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I use Corrective Eye Wear too, and have found most goggles to be uncomfortable due to the edge of the goggles mashing the glasses' temples into the side of your head. I also find that your Corrective EW tends to get shifted around a lot inside the goggles, causing additional problems (crooked, or pressed into your sweaty face/eyebrows, so you end up with dirty lenses, etc).

So I've now switched to Rx Inserts (wireframe type) in ESS Profiles goggles and ESS ICE BEW (both shown here It'll cost you an extra set of Rx lenses, but it allows for a much more comfortable setup. *edit to fix URL*
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 16:50   #10
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Or you can go with contacts.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 17:50   #11
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I cant stand contacts. always came out of my eye when I blinked, was so annoying.
imagine sitting on a plane to Vegas and all these people looking at you while it seems that your poking yourself in your eye all the time. AWKWARD.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 18:33   #12
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Originally Posted by Drake
I use Corrective Eye Wear too, and have found most goggles to be uncomfortable due to the edge of the goggles mashing the glasses' temples into the side of your head. I also find that your Corrective EW tends to get shifted around a lot inside the goggles, causing additional problems (crooked, or pressed into your sweaty face/eyebrows, so you end up with dirty lenses, etc).

So I've now switched to Rx Inserts (wireframe type) in ESS Profiles goggles and ESS ICE BEW (both shown here It'll cost you an extra set of Rx lenses, but it allows for a much more comfortable setup.
Thank you Drake, you're a saviour. Now if only I could afford them...
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 14:58   #13
formerly sstrunks
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Just a quick question in matter with the subject.
I'm looking at Bolle T800 goggles but I wear Corrective Glasses, would I be able to wear them comfortably (sp) over my glasses?
If not I'll look at the ones that have been recommended in this thread, but I'm really interested with Bolle ones.
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 15:06   #14
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Originally Posted by Frozencricket
I wear glasses. Can anyone recommend some sort of goggles/p-ball mask that fits over corrective lenses? I've had that problem for a while now with paintball.
Scott Paintball approaved goggles don't fit to good over my glasses, maybe its just the shape.
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 15:35   #15
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best investment i made
i bought a pair of goggles that has an attachable mask

its a Pb mask too not ballistics

i had a debate about my mask one time when i was a paintballer cause i put the masking on it right there in front of the owner of the place and he debated with me over the legalities of my mask until i showed him my who9le team used them jaw dropper

he let us play seeing as how he didnt feel like giving 21 people refunds
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