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Looking for: Custom/Mod Artist


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Old October 23rd, 2005, 13:57   #1
Bob the Angry Potato
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Looking for: Custom/Mod Artist

Over the last while, I decided to do a nice mod-job to my FA-MAS F1.

Most people would agree with me, this gun looks like crap. It looks more like something from a band or a B-rate science fiction movie then an actual gun, the rail is about 3 inches over the damn gun itself… Overall, it’s not the nicest looking gun to most people. However, I do have quite a bit of respect for it as the gun itself, as, from my experience with them, they are amazing guns.

I found, after quite a bit of research, several interesting mod jobs. However, these still fit the description of their previous monstrosity (Some of the better ones being a FA-MAS G2 by Inferno Industries), yet most were full of extensive internal modifications, which I didn’t want.

After a while, I came across HardCoil’s “Frankensoft”, which was very interesting (But in the U.S., thus making it impossible to buy from him). However, on his site, he had posted fairly detailed instructions to make a P90-FAMAS-G36-M4 hybrid.
The only internal modification is the M16 mag conversion, and from what I’ve heard, a deranged chipmunk could probably do it with the right equipment.
The site has instructions how to convert a P90 trigger, however I don't need that at all (FA-MAS stock trigger is fine).

Instantly, I decided to do this gun. It looked practical, comfortable, and looked quite a bit like the FN-2000 (Which does not have an Airsoft counterpart).
Unfortunately enough, I do not have the tools or the expertise to do this project, so I am looking for help.
Two of the best modders on these boards, Vondnick and Blastyman are both swamped with work, so I couldn’t get help. After a large amount of research, I found a few. Upon E-Mailing them, I didn’t get any positive responses ( , which I was referred to by a retailer, and 007 Airsoft, which by my understanding doesn’t do cosmetic work).

This thread was set up to try to find someone who could do this, if you see this thread, or see this thread and know someone who can do this.

Supplies are fairly easy to get, as I know a US retailer that can send me the parts I need, without looking incriminating enough to get caught by customs (For example, the lower half of a P90, minus the trigger, a G36 rail, et cetera. These will be bought from the US if, in the next month, I don’t get any responses from locally. Materials are probably under 200 CDN).

This mod project will be done in mid-2006, so I’m not starting anything until way into the Airsoft off-season. This is just so I can plan ahead, and try to get this done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Whoever can do this will be paid for parts (If I don’t supply them), labour, and of course, a commission. I will need some outside references, and a price quote. As an added bonus, once it gets here and I’m happy, I’ll throw in a free chroming/painting of any gun you send, from Glock 26 to Piper’s Precision Minigun.


EDIT: That's 4 people who've turned down the deal. I'm running out of people...
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 18:18   #2
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I apologize if this is an innapropriate spot to ask, but do modified guns such as the one above get stopped at the border? Because technically they're not replicas of real firearms, but from sci-fi/other etc.
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 18:21   #3
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They'd still get stopped, if it even looks like it might possibly be a gun, there's a risk. Hence him asking people in the country to do it.
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 18:39   #4
Bob the Angry Potato
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Yeah, the gun itself was designed by a mod artist in the US, but I'm enlisting help here to make one individualy.

They would get stopped at the border, so I'm importing small things that don't look like guns.
Possibly, in the case I have to import the cheap guns as a whole, I'll enlist the help of a retailer.
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 18:46   #5
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BTW, that gun is probably one of the coolest looking things I've ever seen, hope the mod goes well.
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 19:00   #6
Bob the Angry Potato
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Thanks, so do I...

EDIT: I’m almost out of people, 2 names left, and at the rate I’m burning through them, I don’t think it’s going to get me anywhere.

Names, people, NAMES!

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Old October 23rd, 2005, 19:40   #7
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Im in the same boat, I asked bob to see if he can find me a dealer that can build me a custom Morita from Starship Troopers

Thanks Bob

P.S. Any additional info on dealers would be useful so feel free to say them, Thanks
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 19:56   #8
Bob the Angry Potato
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Yes, JTF 27, I got your PM. If I get any replies, I’ll send them to you (That is, if they have the time and patience to do both)
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 21:09   #9
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UPDATE: Done a sketch, and redesigned it to be as completely simple as possible (To take half the mechanical prowess as the first one). Everything is labelled and organized, I just have to find a scanner. For anyone who is interested, I'll be putting it in Photobucket and reposting it here.

EDIT: OK, here’s some half-assed stakes to try to get info a bit faster.
Anyone who can give me useful information (Stuff I actually CAN use, like a retailer who ISN’T too busy) will get a FREE (Some conditions, for example, you pay for shipping each way) Chroming, Painting, or Logo/Name on their gun (As long as it isn't a minigun or something that's a bitch to pick up and ship), as soon as NGW starts (You’ll see when it does, I’ll publicize it quite a bit).
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Old October 24th, 2005, 02:20   #10
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I might be able to help you out, not with the modding process, but with a g36 rail as well as sights. I have a stock set kicking around here. Just thought the parts being in Canada might be better for you, and possibly cheaper.

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Old October 24th, 2005, 15:45   #11
Bob the Angry Potato
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Wow, thanks.
That'd be much appreciated, I was going to go with a cheap one, but that'd be much better.

However, I can't get it from you until 2006, I still have to pay off an HFC M190 I have with a layaway plan with...

However, that'd be great. I'll PM you when I'm ready, and pay as much as you want for it.

UPDATE: Scannings made for anyone interested. As soon as they're sent this way (Next half hour or so), I'll post it here.


PS: Still need names. Thanks.

PPS: Pokey, you win a free chroming. When the time comes, I'll tell you and the others.

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Old October 25th, 2005, 15:32   #12
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Cheers. Pics uploaded, yet too big to put in this or to send them up to Photobucket (To big, can't read writing). Until any of you folks tell me a way, or I find out on my own, I'll send it through E-Mail to anyone interested.
'Till then, please tell me a way to upload them...
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Old October 26th, 2005, 16:56   #13
Bob the Angry Potato
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Finally, I got off my lazy ass and tried to do something.
Here, the link to some pics. They're too small, but it was the best I could do.

Photobucket sucks.

Cheers, feedback would be great.
Ignore the other things, Loadout and XA-83 are the only things of interest.
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Old October 31st, 2005, 17:44   #14
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I think I found one.
Thanks, Foxtail :-D
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