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GHK AK Side folder help!!


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Old June 14th, 2014, 06:24   #1
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Exclamation GHK AK Side folder help!!

So I seemed to noticed my brand new GHK AK105 may have a slight manufacturing defect/issue but I'm not 100% sure. The locking lug/button on side folder's locking mechanism doesn't seem to have any tension from the spring, meaning the locking lug doesn't spring into the "locked" position, forcing me to push the lug into place to get it to lock. I'm pretty sure the lug will, over time lose its ability to lock without the spring so I'm hoping to address this issue before that happens.

Does anyone have a GHK AK with a side folding stock? Could someone take a picture of the locking button/lug and spring inside the receiver so I can compare it with my AK105's locking mechanism?

I suspect the bar on the locking lug which the spring pushes against was installed incorrectly, along with the spring, as it sorta just sits there. I've compared mine with some somewhat blurry photos and I believe that's the case but I'm hoping to find a better photo to compare it to.

I'm hoping Samoon will be able to do something about the problem if it does turn out to be a manufacturing defect but it might be a long shot...


Added pictures of what I'm talking about.

Found this picture of a GHK AK105 to compare mine with but its not very clear. Anyways, if you look closely towards the rear of the receiver you'll noticed the spring which keeps the button/latch under tension. There's a peg/bar thing that goes through the latch which its pushing against, that slightly roundish white thing.

Here's mine:

As you can see, the spring doesn't have anything to push against to keep tension on and is pretty much just sitting there against the sides of the receiver.

I can move it around pretty freely:

I can move it up to this point. The actual latch has pretty much moved enough for the stock to unlock so that spring is doing absolutely nothing...

There's the other end of the peg on the other side but it does nothing. There's a bit of tension when I push on the latch/button all the way in and then some, to release the stock, but at the point where I can feel some tension, the latch had already cleared the locking mechanism a while ago.

From what I know, the end of the spring should be sitting against the top and bottom of the peg. It shouldn't be in the middle of the spring. This and the fact that the top portion of the peg seems to be missing leads me to believe this is a factory assembly error but I'd like to compare it against a clear picture of another GHK side folder to be sure.

Will see what Samoon/GHK says in reply to the message I sent. I wouldn't mind sending it to them if they're willing to replace/fix it, but it appears to be a relatively simple fix if Samoon/GHK decides to send me replacement parts. Would probably need to tap out or cut the end peg, slide out the latch, insert new latch, position spring properly, tap/screw in the peg which holds the spring in the proper place and voila, functioning spring loaded latch.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.

Last edited by beta678; June 14th, 2014 at 12:25..
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