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Help - Sideway curving BB's, adjusting hop up.


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Old July 8th, 2012, 21:00   #1
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Laval, Quebec
Help - Sideway curving BB's, adjusting hop up.

I have an Echo1 ER25K. This thing shoots hard and far, but my BB's are curving towards the right. I'm loosing distance due to this, and obviously accuracy. I've read that cleaning my barrel and hop up, or re-aligning my hop up could fix the issue. Before I adventure myself into doing so, I would like to know how and what I should do.
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Old July 8th, 2012, 21:36   #2
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Originally Posted by Knocturnal View Post
I've read that cleaning my barrel and hop up, or re-aligning my hop up could fix the issue. Before I adventure myself into doing so, I would like to know how and what I should do.
You are totally correct. Check barrel vs nub (in the hop-up) to fix this.

I had the same problem last year and it was fixed by aligning the nub.

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Old July 9th, 2012, 09:42   #3
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Just like the part, I am a nub What is the nub and how do I get to it? Do I need to take my whole gun apart to re-align this nub and barrel? And once I start re-aligning, how will I know if I'm re-aligning it properly?
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Old July 9th, 2012, 10:26   #4
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Just curious, what weight bb's you using?

To work on the nub you just need to pull the upper receiver off then slide out the hop up & barrel assembly out of the upper receiver.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 10:36   #5
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Pull the front body pin, seperate the upper body from the lower and pull out the hopup assembly and inner barrel.

Then, take close look at how the hopup looks, and works, before you take it apart. Then, take it apart step by step, making sure you note where each part goes. Start with the main adjuster gear, unscrew it, then the others. C clip holds the inner barrel to the hopup, unclip that last, and carefully pull the barrel out, the hopup rubber will come with it.

The nub, is located under the hopup arm, and sits in a little cut out, make sure you dont loose it, as most do when they take the barrel out.

Inspect the hopup rubber for any tears or damage, this could be whats causing the side spin. If all is ok, clean it with a soft cloth, the assembly, not the rubber. Allow the hopup rubber and nub to soak in some warm soapy water for awhile, then cold water rinse and air dry.

Add a drop of silicon(non petroleum) to the rubber once you have it back on the inner barrel, work it in with your finger, this is just to allow it to slide into the hopup chamber again without corking it or deforming it. Lube for easier penetration!

Then hold the barrel up to a light and make sure you cant see any deformities, any thing blocking the barrel around the hopup inside. If not, put the c clip on, and reassemble the hopup.

If you do all this correct, you should have no issues, and it will shoot alot better. Go slow, and dont be impatient.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 10:39   #6
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You do not need to completely dissemble the whole gun. Pull the receiver apart and pull out the hop up chamber with inner barrel. Turn the hop up all the way and look into the hop up chamber. The nub is the hump you'll see protruding into the barrel. Look at the nub and rotate the barrel while holding onto the hop up chamber. You'll see the nub move from side to side. You might need to turn the hop off a bit so the nub will move. Keep doing this until it's perfectly align within the hop up chamber. Also inspect the bucking as a worn bucking could cause the issue.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 18:46   #7
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Shit... I don't feel comfortable doing this... Why don't I know any airsofters IRL... I'll adventure myself in the world of youtube to find a vid.
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Old July 10th, 2012, 18:58   #8
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Ok, I think I'll need some guidance. I don't even know which video on youtube to rely on to fix this problem... Anyone have ideas?
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Old July 10th, 2012, 22:29   #9
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Ok I figured out how to align my nub with my barrel. It's getting dark so I can only hear my bb's hit my target but can't see if the bb's are curving up or down at this point. Definitely shooting straight seeing I was aiming something at about 80-90 feet away and hitting it. Another question... Do I want my nub to be at the top of the barrel pointing down, or at the bottom of the barrel pointing upwards?
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Old July 10th, 2012, 22:41   #10
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The nub is always at the top. If the nub was at the bottom, all your bbs will curve down to the ground.
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