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Umbrella Shiny Finish Reconditioning...


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Old June 30th, 2005, 00:23   #1
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Umbrella Shiny Finish Reconditioning...

I just bought a Tanaka Umbrella 6 inch. It is used, and I understood that when I bought it.

My question / problem is this: :hammer:

The finish is supposed to be Silver mirror finish, pretty much like chrome. You should be able to see your reflection in it.

On my piece most of the gun now has a kinda brushed aluminum look to it. It does not have any real scratches in it or anything so blemishes are not the problem. When you touch it, fingerprints / finger oils still get left on the gun, but the finish is like I said, a brushed aluminum sorta look.

I really want to get it back to the shiny, reflective chrome look. I am quite sure that the build material is plastic (ABS ?) but I am unsure of how to recondition the finish.

Is there like a clear coat on the paint that gives it a glossy look? And that the clear coat wore off?

Should I use my dremel and a polishing compound? Seeing as it is plastic, seems kinda risky. (could melt ??)

Now don't laugh, but could I chrome it? I mean seeing as it is plastic I don't think that it is even possible to chrome it. ( is it ?) :?:

Should I try wet sanding it? I am pretty sure that the top shiny layer has worn off and wet sanding it won't really do anything. BUT what do I know?!? ROFLOL

There is some new chrome paint out there that pretty much can / does give you a mirror finish which I also might consider. Sorry guys, I can't seem to find the link right now...

So anywho, I would greatly appreciate any help, advice, or personal insight into trying to recondition the finish.

Thanks in advance for any and all help guys. :salute:
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Old June 30th, 2005, 01:03   #2
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that gun originally came with a satin chrome finish, not gloss chrome.

It cannot be changed without ruining it

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Old June 30th, 2005, 16:39   #3
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So is there anything at all I can do to try and get the Reflective shine back on it?

Am I just S.O.L. ? :banghead:

That would really suck!

Thanks for the info, but if there is anyone out there at all that has a suggestion / or personal experience with this kinda problem, please let me / us know.

Thanks for your help.
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Old June 30th, 2005, 16:41   #4
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Originally Posted by johnnyrico
So is there anything at all I can do to try and get the Reflective shine back on it?

Am I just S.O.L. ? :banghead:
Your not listening, it comes with a satin finish, not gloss.
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Old June 30th, 2005, 16:58   #5
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well, there is a new spray paint available at my local harware store that "chromes" the paint. The paint that that spray can sprays out is actually mirrored(shiny silver). But I could not garantee that that would work or help your case. Heres the link:

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Old June 30th, 2005, 18:07   #6
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^^^ Don't use the paint, it'll come out shit.

2 Things to try.

1. Windex. That will remove any finger oils and dirt without killing the finish.
2. A chrome compound from Canadian Tire, usually comes in a tin and says it will remove rust. Just follow the directions.

These will restore the finish to it's origional condition. If the gun was origionally satin chrome as previously stated... then thats what you'll get.

If you want a mirror chrome... srry, no real suggestions.
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Old June 30th, 2005, 22:17   #7
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I am confused.

Do the 6 inch and the 8.5 inch have different finishes?

Mine is the 6 inch and most of it is the "satin" finish,

except for part of the receiver on the right side which has the mirror chrome look I am looking for.

Where as My friend has an 8.5 inch and his is the Mirror Chrome like finish all over the enitre gun. You can see your reflection in it.

So do the 6 inch and the 8.5 inch have different finishes?

Did my gun happen to get a right hand side receiver (mirror) that is supposed to be on an 8.5 inch?

I am officially confused.
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Old June 30th, 2005, 22:51   #8
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the finsihses are different on 8 and 6 inch models
the 6 inch model was produced like a year before the 8 inch, so you didn't get a mix up

the finish is satin

I've owned two 6 inch models, both were the same..and i kinda bet you have the one i owned if you bought it recently on these boards.
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Old July 9th, 2005, 16:17   #9
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Thanks for the info guys.

I have actually grown to like this finish now.

I guess that is it.

We can get rid of this thread now, *Ahem "If it pleases the court"

( I don't know if you guys leave this up or get rid of them once they are done )

Anywho. Thanks Alls.
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Old July 9th, 2005, 19:02   #10
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Just thought to clear this up

Originally Posted by hummermaniac88
... The paint that that spray can sprays out is actually mirrored(shiny silver). But I could not garantee that that would work or help your case. Heres the link:

Originally Posted by ctid=1728&content=product_details

* Safe for use on craft foams and florals
* Smooth, satin finish
* High-quality metallic finish
* Fast drying
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