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TM VSR & VSR clone owner operators your input please


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Old July 2nd, 2010, 00:40   #1
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TM VSR & VSR clone owner operators your input please

Hello everyone.
I am about to become the proud owner of a vanilla TM VSR, My intent is obviously to Snipe.
As i understand the stock model is quite effective BUT.... there is always a but...
the first part of my post is your continuation of But, (additions to, not Modifications (see below))...

Eg.. its quite effective but I would add a Xbrand scope rail or a Xbrand Bipod (Plus the reasoning behind your brand choice).
dont worry about scopes, I have a couple in mind and most run just under $100
(in no order)


I have bags of Bastard .25s and .28s. feel free to reccommend your BB of choice.
(Kos-Mos -beleives .28s are way too light. Go AT LEAST with .30 if you plan on using it for anything... recommend .36s)
Do you agree?

The stock internals are supposed to produce 275 FPs, did your Chrono at or near 275 before mods?
Simple yes or no (with average fps est if you remember)
What was the est distance before the bb lost tradectory?
Wt --- distance


OK Change time (NO NOT MODS YET.. Settle down you animals)

I liked my VSR but i changed X and now it is better (and why is it better)?
I liked my VSR but i changed this and that and its better (and why is it better)?
I read that if you jazz up the Main spring, you must change the trigger system (or somthing along those lines)
I like my VSR but i removed all this and replaced it with all that and its better (why better)


OK now the MODS..

I modded this and Now its better (Why is it better)
Eg. Filed this, Cut that etc.
(I am thinking about a well placed LED in the Stock to Charge tracer BBs When I want one hot via pressure switch on grip)
Is there room in the stock around the mag to bb pickup for a 5mm led and microwire?)
For effect -- doesnt effect performance.. Its just cool
eg. I did this to that and Dam it looks cool

Thanks in advance everyone.
I hope to see all the Snipers chime in.
feel free to post Photos of your VSR (VSR clone).. Kinda like to keep this one on track
Ciao 4 now SV
A single Light is all one needs to find their way through the darkness, But a single BB is all you need to bring it on!
Im not worried about the Bullet that has my Name on it, Im worried about the bullet that says "to whom it may concern"
Lt. Alexander Washington -(Red Tails 1944) Ret.

Last edited by ScooterVauto; July 2nd, 2010 at 18:02..
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Old July 2nd, 2010, 00:55   #2
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Hmmm use the search button... there is already PLENTY on threads regarding VSR-10 upgrades.

.28s are way too light. Go AT LEAST with .30 if you plan on using it for anything... recommend .36s
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
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Old July 2nd, 2010, 01:04   #3
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
Hmmm use the search button... there is already PLENTY on threads regarding VSR-10 upgrades.

.28s are way too light. Go AT LEAST with .30 if you plan on using it for anything... recommend .36s
thank you for the BB input I'll look for some heavy wts,
As for the search, yup i tried that, and nothing is consise.. its a wide variety of older info.
Its 2010 and im looking for up to date info (the latest parts people are using but thanks for posting
A single Light is all one needs to find their way through the darkness, But a single BB is all you need to bring it on!
Im not worried about the Bullet that has my Name on it, Im worried about the bullet that says "to whom it may concern"
Lt. Alexander Washington -(Red Tails 1944) Ret.

Last edited by ScooterVauto; July 2nd, 2010 at 01:10..
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Old July 2nd, 2010, 17:48   #4
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Nothing changed.

The same companies are making the same parts ever since the VSR-10 was released.

PDI and LayLax. Don't touch anything else.

2005 is not old for sniper upgrades...
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Old July 2nd, 2010, 17:52   #5
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Not the same platform, but my APS-2 gets superb accuracy at 200ft, using .36 BB's firing at a solid 335 FPS ( Thank Stalker ).

Its not FPS that matters, its all about your consistency. So whatever you choose, use Quality BB, such as BB Bastards, and get consistent FPS.

Also, if you plan to upgrade your VSR with quality parts( ie. PDI or Laylax/Prometheus/PSS2 ), dont cheap out on the scope, becuase without that, its all useless. I'd recommend Bushnell hunting scopes.

ps. My Maruzen APS-2 SV is fully PDI, so i doubt your Stock VSR could get similar results, more so for an example of what you can expect after upgrading.
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Old July 2nd, 2010, 17:59   #6
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Excellent thank you Gentlemen.

Kos-mos the Info about PDI and LayLax
I've looked and those are quite Pricey assortment of items, Definatley something you dont want to buy on Speculation dont want to play hit and miss with parts (forgive the pun)
If you were going to replace 1 part what would it be?
HOw about if it were 2?

Thanks Steven.I see people reccommend a 3-9x40 as a scope of choice.
when i was doing my research i found this Gem AIM Camo Scope 3-9x40
I havent had a chance to head to the gun shop yet, but I was going to use this a
base of comparision. I'll look into Bushnell (want a Leopuld But over kill isnt my strong suit)
A single Light is all one needs to find their way through the darkness, But a single BB is all you need to bring it on!
Im not worried about the Bullet that has my Name on it, Im worried about the bullet that says "to whom it may concern"
Lt. Alexander Washington -(Red Tails 1944) Ret.
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Old July 2nd, 2010, 18:14   #7
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Old July 2nd, 2010, 19:21   #8
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Yep, ive got a 3-9x bushnell, and it was 130$ with rings and tax.

Any scope would work really, but make sure there is good eye relief, and is not blurry etc.

Good luck with your build/project!
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Old July 2nd, 2010, 19:35   #9
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Mr Bean.
I had saw you post during my initial research thank you.
Is a good One well done sir, Way more then i think i am capable of but when i stated reading it.. it beacme the Tomb of knowledge the book of intersting facts even.
thank you
Steven thanks again, i never thought to check if it was clear hahah J/K bud
the Gun shop is at west end, they have an indoor range and they are 50 feet from outside yes I will be checking for a decent View for both indoor and outdoor situations
A single Light is all one needs to find their way through the darkness, But a single BB is all you need to bring it on!
Im not worried about the Bullet that has my Name on it, Im worried about the bullet that says "to whom it may concern"
Lt. Alexander Washington -(Red Tails 1944) Ret.
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Old July 23rd, 2010, 21:18   #10
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Hi everyone.
So here is where i sit..
Enroute Laylax Pro nozzel and Bearing spring guide, 2 sets of Pdi or Laylax Barrel spacers plus a Pss10 Hopup (as soon as Cushak mails it)

Waiting for installion a Promethius 603 433mm inner barrel (need the Hopup)
ARS hopup rubber (I cut up the guarder one hahah)

gurader back Aeg hopup Rubber (Trimmed to fit the Stock TM hopup assmebly)
Laylax PSS10 trigger with Orange Neo piston (stock TM forward oring)
Laylax 150 Spring
Seems to work quite well but i have a slight little issue, please have a look here
My Hair trigger
thanks Everyone
A single Light is all one needs to find their way through the darkness, But a single BB is all you need to bring it on!
Im not worried about the Bullet that has my Name on it, Im worried about the bullet that says "to whom it may concern"
Lt. Alexander Washington -(Red Tails 1944) Ret.
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Old July 24th, 2010, 15:23   #11
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You cannot adjust the trigger sensitivity on the PSS10 trigger. It is a Zero trigger. Means that is is always ultra super light to pull.

The PDI trigger can be adjusted, because it uses a different system. I tried it and even at light setting, it is quite hard to pull. I would try the zero trigger next.

And you don't need a safety on a sniper rifle. Basically, you never keep your rifle cocked, unless it is on target and you are about to shoot.

Just an advice, NEVER mix up brands in an airsoft sniper rifle. You can either go PDI or Laylax (PSS10). You can use a different barrel or rubber.

You also want to keep the stock TM hop-up chamber. It is the best there is for the VSR-10. With a Prometheus or King Arms rubber, it is insane.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
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Old July 24th, 2010, 20:18   #12
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Firefly hard has given me the best results so far lol
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Old July 25th, 2010, 19:37   #13
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Has anyone tried the NEW TM hopup unit. appearntly they are black.
I cannot find info pertaining to weither it uses a stock style barrel or the Ae cuts.. I would assume if it used a stock barrel it wouldnt come with one
Any help would be appreciated as always.

New tm Hopup and Barrel
A single Light is all one needs to find their way through the darkness, But a single BB is all you need to bring it on!
Im not worried about the Bullet that has my Name on it, Im worried about the bullet that says "to whom it may concern"
Lt. Alexander Washington -(Red Tails 1944) Ret.
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Old July 25th, 2010, 19:44   #14
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Same as the old one, except they raplaced some parts with harder plastic or metal.

Uses VSR-10 barrels.

Best hop-up chamber for the VSR currently avalaible.
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Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old July 26th, 2010, 01:04   #15
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ok next questions.
1 which is better Promethius 603 433mm or a Systema 6.04mm Precision Inner Barrel 455mm (I have a TM VSR -14mm barrel adapter and a
stylin compressor to cover up the extra 22mm)
2 has anyone used a systemA aeg hopup rubber in a upgraded VSR?

a note to people with a dremel.. If you have a little skill, you can cut 2 little slots in your aeg barrel and use the barrel in a stock TM VSR hopup.
there are 2 little bumps (guide key) that hold the barrel in place, the aeg cut barrels have these but they are further down the barrel.
if you set a stock VSR barrel beside an aeg cut barrel, the placment of the notches becomes quite appearant..
save a buck and get use the stock hopup aswell..
A single Light is all one needs to find their way through the darkness, But a single BB is all you need to bring it on!
Im not worried about the Bullet that has my Name on it, Im worried about the bullet that says "to whom it may concern"
Lt. Alexander Washington -(Red Tails 1944) Ret.

Last edited by ScooterVauto; July 26th, 2010 at 01:07.. Reason: Spellig
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