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Old September 2nd, 2005, 10:46   #76
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[QUOTE=HonestJohn] and now some will go towards upgrades (another 512MB of ram being added soon), as well as running costs, and there are more software upgrades I'd love to do (hawt auction mebbe?).[QUOTE=HonestJohn]

Told ya after he would get extra stuff once its paid for... He did'nt tell me but I mean its commin sence ;-)
Edit: My quote thingy aint working to well, but you know what I mean.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 11:01   #77
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Originally Posted by infernal
Doesn't it seem kind of interesting to charge $40 for 250mb of webhosting with ftp access... espsecially if this site does run on a fast line (10mbit +)... with the amount of people that are contributing... you could see your hosting bills go through the roof.
I've got enough bandwidth to cover it, in theory. Honestly I have to hope people go a little gentle on it, I don't mind hot linking, as long as it's not on FARK or SA or something. But donations are not purchasing a contract, I'll provide the space as long as I possibly can. Based on my resources and projections, that should be for the life of this site, which we have no plans of dropping after helping it grow for 5 years.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 11:22   #78
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Originally Posted by HonestJohn
I've got enough bandwidth to cover it, in theory. Honestly I have to hope people go a little gentle on it, I don't mind hot linking, as long as it's not on FARK or SA or something. But donations are not purchasing a contract, I'll provide the space as long as I possibly can. Based on my resources and projections, that should be for the life of this site, which we have no plans of dropping after helping it grow for 5 years.
HoJo, you're a good man and I have absolutely no problem supporting such a project. I know how hard it is to find quality resources for certain communities such as this and I don't want to ever think about having to go without it.
Keep up the great work!
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 11:54   #79
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Originally Posted by Meat
The server, which is OURS aka ASCs.. dedicated.. was purchased for ~$1000 if I'm not mistaken. Miles forked out his OWN money for that.

Where's your money going? Well at the very least it's going to pay for some of that personal expenditure. Already that money has put in to more RAM and theres plans to expand the storage with a backup system as well. Money still comes from other sources (NOT DONATIONS) to host this site, and pay monthly fees and upkeep. All of the mods and admins STILL work for free and all of the effort they put in to the site is volunteer.

I think very few people have ever dumped a thousand dollars on the COMMUNITY here. Some game hosts and such do, but usually there is a bit of recouperation of funds through fees. So if anyone is going to complain about the TOTALLY VOLUNTARY donations, they should probably check to see the last time they gave out a grand for all of us.

Again, these are completely voluntary donations. This is not a pay site, this is not a scam, and your money goes towards improving the boards. I don't give money to the cancer society and expect them to take me out for dinner, but I appreciate the work they do so I help out. If you enjoy using ASC and want to contribute, please do. Many have and we appreciate it. If not? Then who cares? No one is twisting your arm here. We could in theory offer nothing in exchange, but we have the extra webspace and bandwidth so why not give a little something back?

And Don, I recommend that if you are so in doubt of the money involved.. you go do some research about how much it costs to get a dedicated server and tons of bandwidth. Let me know what you find.

Well that was something I didn't know. I didnt think this site would cost over $1000 to host, which in that case I dont see any problem with donating money myself. I just kinda like to know the facts about everything that goes on at this site before I donate. Sure Im not entilled to it, but no ones entilled to my money either.
If I write weird shit late at night, its probably because I'm drunk.

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AK47, M4A1, SR15 SpecOps, Sig 552, G26, Para .45, MP5K, MP5K PDW, MK1 Carbine, M8000 Cougar, M93R, and 8mm Derringer.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 11:57   #80
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Originally Posted by infernal
On another note if you paid over a grand for a server, you are mis-managing your money. A dual drive backup rack server on a linux platform will run you less than $700 shipped with PSU and you can get a battery backup for under $100. You're co-lo should provide most of this for you, so the server should be all you need (provided you have a co-lo). For that price, you are running just shy of a half a terrabyte on a 10mbit line.
Wow infernal, if your group is that cheap and has the services we should talk, as I am looking for a good Canadian co-loc who is reasonable. So far, I have not found a good one at a reasonable $ and co-loc in the States. My experience shows there are usually 'gotchas' somewhere because everyone has to make money in a co-loc or they don't work and go belly up.

I pay a little more for mine for services like hotswapability, nightly backup, UPS (controllable via webpanel) and 24 pageable technician on call on 2 1U card accessable service racks each with 100mbit/s burstable and no bandwidth cap for about $79 USD/mon per 1U. Oh yeah, its a HIPPA compliant data center as well and I need that certification. I own my own hardware (about $5000 worth). So far on problems I've never had to wait longer than 10 minutes for a return of my calls at any time of day. They've also swapped out bad drives for me on my mirrors with my own drives I keep handy there for failures. They also have complete duplicates of my entire hardware setup they can swap into at a moments' notice.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 13:04   #81
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:tup: Thanks, I can not deny the hand that feeds, and I like the occasional spanking too!
No grand schpeechs, just a thansck, from a dutchman schelling pantsch.
Army Issue
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 14:24   #82
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Scarecrow, if you want to talk more you can pm me whenever you like. I'm more than happy to help anyone out here.

Miles, if you want some assistance with some adminsitration and design... I can help you with whatever you need. sql admin, posgress integration, html / php coding, skin design.... whatever you want.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 14:35   #83
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Originally Posted by HonestJohn
if Tru dropped dead tomorrow
Army Glock 17
KJW M700 - gone
ICS Ak74 - gone
WE hi-capa 5.1 striker - gone
TM Ak47 - gone
Western Arms Inifnity 3.9 - gone

Get your answers here!
Answers: $5
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Correct Answers: $20
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 15:11   #84
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thanks to everyone who made ASC happen, you guys made airsoft in canada for most of us and made the sport what it is.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 15:37   #85
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alright I'll up the ante!
I'll donate another 100 to what I've already put in if you leave treadstones avatar text thing the exact for as long as he plays
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 15:40   #86
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Hahaha! Dont spend money you dont have on ASC, Greg. We want people to buy airsoft too, otherwise there's be no point being here, you've already supported the site and that's cool.

Honestly I don't think Tread is ever going to lose that title, it's just too good.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 15:48   #87
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dah it's all good then.
I'm just letting you guys think I still play, go ask the incountry boys haha.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 19:01   #88
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New blinging tags courtesy of Phrozen.

Thanks again to everyone who has donated, myself and all the other people that spend time on this site really appreciate it.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 19:31   #89
WW2 Airsofter
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My donation is still comming I just got pick up my pay check.

Hojo, you need to make some kind of thermometer thing that show's us how much money you guys have raised and how much you guys need to raise for you goal.

I can't measure my sig so I got this stupid tag line instead.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 20:21   #90
Mr Jon
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Donate now you sons of bitches, HoJo hasn't had a crack fix in weeks
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