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Old March 18th, 2008, 15:06   #61
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2 or 3 spinning multi-barreled- BB-bukkake metal cocks...and a bottle of coke.

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Old March 18th, 2008, 15:30   #62
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
what I'm saying is that the reason for your importation. Most of importation does not have good reason to import over 200+ guns if your doing motion pictures. Since he's doing Training Centre, I would say limit his own choice to save himself and AK does not need to be use in training, since it's illegal cept Valmont Hunter Reg/ Auto
Most licenses will only let you import and possess no more than 3 of any gun. If you imported 3 of every AEG out there (not 3 G&P, 3 G&G and 3 CA M4s for example, but 3 total), you'd be pretty tight to import 200 guns. Only Peter Kang ever really did that, and look where it got him.

If you have a license, you don't need to specify a reason for importation. Your license is your reason, and if you follow strictly the terms of your license, there won't be any problems. The problems come when guys get greedy, order more than they should, and do this repeatedly. This is a red flag to the CBSA that the importer must be selling them, and the door slams shut before you know it.

AK-type guns are legal, like the VZ858 for example. It's not even restricted (if you keep the solid stock on it). How about the Krinker Plinker, same thing.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old March 18th, 2008, 16:50   #63
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
lol What the hell you want a minigun for? lol
For my TF2 Heavy costume, of course...
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Old March 18th, 2008, 17:53   #64
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The 99 year lease thing should work, I mean you have to bring it back when your done, but what AEG is going to last 99 years? lol
I've seen guns as young as 2 years get thrown in the trash. I mean sure if your a chairsofter they'll last a lot longer. Now I'm no legal expert, but worst case scenario is you just mail them back and renew the lease, right?
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Old March 18th, 2008, 18:23   #65
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Originally Posted by Ibby View Post
For my TF2 Heavy costume, of course...
Good answer. I'll buy that reason.

But yeah, I could see the appeal of having a minigun to just shoot for fun. That would be a blast.
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Old March 18th, 2008, 18:38   #66
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+1 for KSC glock 19.
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Old March 18th, 2008, 19:10   #67
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Most licenses will only let you import and possess no more than 3 of any gun. If you imported 3 of every AEG out there (not 3 G&P, 3 G&G and 3 CA M4s for example, but 3 total), you'd be pretty tight to import 200 guns. Only Peter Kang ever really did that, and look where it got him.

If you have a license, you don't need to specify a reason for importation. Your license is your reason, and if you follow strictly the terms of your license, there won't be any problems. The problems come when guys get greedy, order more than they should, and do this repeatedly. This is a red flag to the CBSA that the importer must be selling them, and the door slams shut before you know it.

AK-type guns are legal, like the VZ858 for example. It's not even restricted (if you keep the solid stock on it). How about the Krinker Plinker, same thing.
If I recall correct, he's doing training, and importing stuff he does not need for training would most likely flag him. EG: Does a force on force training require thiese:
Rocket Laucher
Land Mine
Mini gun etc
ok Im being extreme here but I would say in his interest it's best if he import guns he can reason when they ask why you import it. (When they do flag you) I would like to hear someone explaining why they need a Replica Minigun for training.
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Old March 18th, 2008, 19:22   #68
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
The 99 year lease thing should work, I mean you have to bring it back when your done, but what AEG is going to last 99 years? lol
I've seen guns as young as 2 years get thrown in the trash. I mean sure if your a chairsofter they'll last a lot longer. Now I'm no legal expert, but worst case scenario is you just mail them back and renew the lease, right?

Period of Transfer

11. The period of the transfer shall not exceed one year, but a transfer may be extended for a further period of up to one year if the transferor updates the information described in section 9 and verifies that the transferee is in compliance with paragraph 9(a).

That pretty much sums it up. No long-term leasing folks.

Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
If I recall correct, he's doing training, and importing stuff he does not need for training would most likely flag him. EG: Does a force on force training require thiese:
Rocket Laucher
Land Mine
Mini gun etc
ok Im being extreme here but I would say in his interest it's best if he import guns he can reason when they ask why you import it. (When they do flag you) I would like to hear someone explaining why they need a Replica Minigun for training.
And what training does he do, that CBSA needs to worry about? As long as his license is in order, and he complies with storage, transfer and records requirements, there's no problem. You're making up suppositions about a law you don't understand. Maybe he has the ability to train people to defeat a mini-gun, how would you know otherwise?
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Last edited by mcguyver; March 18th, 2008 at 19:27..
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Old March 19th, 2008, 00:20   #69
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OK, our office manager has been working with CBSA and the CFC all day on this I can see right now it will be a lengthy ordeal.

I read above that the current interpretation is that Airsoft is legal to own, just not legal for most to import. Am I correct in this? If they are truly prohib, then both export and possession would be illegal.

Also, Dawn (our office manager) pulled up some info on the CBSA site stating that most Airsoft were prohibited from import, what are the ones that don’t fall under the “most” classification?

I’m not trying to get peoples hopes up, I just want to find out if this is do-able or not.
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Old March 19th, 2008, 00:35   #70
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Originally Posted by CBSA vs some person imported airsoft in court
In order to determine whether the rifles in issue are properly classified under tariff item No. 9898.00.00, the Tribunal must determine if they meet the definition of “replica firearm” under subsection 84(1) of the Criminal Code. For the rifles in issue to meet this definition, each one must fulfil three conditions: (1) it must be designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, a firearm; (2) it must not itself be a firearm; and (3) it must not be designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, an antique firearm.
Something like this?
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Old March 19th, 2008, 00:42   #71
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Clear receivers or guns that are significantly smaller than the real one have already been ruled non-replicas. Importation of those is fine. Pellet or BB guns which can cause serious bodily harm or death are not considered replicas, but rather firearms (just not for the purpose of registartion or licensing). The benchmark "unofficially" applied is 407 fps to be considered a firearm, which a replica can not be. A Crosman pellet gun that looks like a Beretta Model 92 is perfectly legal, while a Tokyo Marui M92 is not. The only difference is the velocity of the projectile (and the type of projectile as well if you're talking about pellets vs. BBs).

You can export a replica from Canada, like if you took one down for a show in Seattle for example, but you couldn't bring it back with you, even if you owned it while it was in Canada.

Replica guns are not treated like 12-class prohibs at all. They are treated as the same class of devices as martial arts weapons and studded wristbands. All the rules regarding prohib firearms don't apply to replicas. There are minimal storage requirements, no strict transport requirements. The real issues start to arise at the importation and transfer level.

Possession is a little sketchy. There are some that believe possession is 100% legal, without qualifications. But the letter of the CFC states quite clearly that possession is not legal if you aquired a replica after Dec/98. This is a sticky point for me as well. The onus (just like any other firearms documentation) is upon the gun owner to prove. How many guys really have owned the same gun for almost 10 years, and have the documentation to prove it? But, they don't get prosecuted, so a lack of technical enforcement can be seen as OK, right?

Just like nobody really gets arrested for failing to trigger lock Grandpa's old .22, unless there is an incident.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Last edited by mcguyver; March 19th, 2008 at 02:04..
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Old March 19th, 2008, 00:58   #72
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Silvercore View Post
OK, our office manager has been working with CBSA and the CFC all day on this I can see right now it will be a lengthy ordeal.

I read above that the current interpretation is that Airsoft is legal to own, just not legal for most to import. Am I correct in this? If they are truly prohib, then both export and possession would be illegal.

Also, Dawn (our office manager) pulled up some info on the CBSA site stating that most Airsoft were prohibited from import, what are the ones that don’t fall under the “most” classification?

I’m not trying to get peoples hopes up, I just want to find out if this is do-able or not.
Importing, for your own use as a federally licensed firearms instructor...likely not a big issue.. your credentials will hold a lot of water.

Outside of that.. there is no way to legally retail to the public.. it can't be done.. the transfer restrictions on prohibited devices are clear.. even if the classification of airsoft guns as replicas is not.

hanging your BFL and your federal firearms instructor credentials out to potential suspension to help out some starving airsoft enthusiasts... likely not a good idea.

Best to leave that to someone who has less to lose.

Besides if you did do it... you would be inundated with demand.. and blown away by the idiots who think that cheap plentiful airsoft guns are their natural human right.

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Old March 19th, 2008, 01:02   #73
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So you can import TM boys series????? (Not that anyone would want to do that anyways. ewww....)

As for the 407 fps things what happens if you import an airsoft thats already been upgraded to shoot past 407 fps? (ie a 200% spring or something?) could you then legally import it? Then tune down the gun to be legal for the fields you play at?
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Old March 19th, 2008, 01:09   #74
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
So you can import TM boys series????? (Not that anyone would want to do that anyways. ewww....)

As for the 407 fps things what happens if you import an airsoft thats already been upgraded to shoot past 407 fps? (ie a 200% spring or something?) could you then legally import it? Then tune down the gun to be legal for the fields you play at?
Keep that for another thread. There's tons of info posted up about that already.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old March 19th, 2008, 01:38   #75
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To me the only thing I was think to import would be related to the stuff you teach.
Just wondering off-topic here, do you teach law enforcement people? (Not on their free time)
Like people say it has no difference once you get past the border, but I would say if you do. You can try importing Systema PTW and KSC pistol for training uses. But again thats me, I liked to stay on safety when RCMP decide to come check out why you have bunch of Airsoft. (The kinda of business you don't want)
And as for the 407 fps rule, it's really really grayish true u can get a 407+ FPS and less than 5.7J airsoft in IF YOU comply with the un-restrict class firearm which is like:
Semi AUTO only
Non-prohibited type firearm. (EG Mp5, G3, AK47 are not allow)
18.5 inch or longer when stock callopse etc
not sure if five bullet rule applies but I think you will realize without license it's basically importing Bolt action gun from WWI.
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