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What happens when a GBB freezes?


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Old January 16th, 2010, 23:54   #16
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If it doesn't work properly it's broken.

If it works it's not broken.

Relax. If/when something ever breaks you'll know.
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Old January 18th, 2010, 02:36   #17
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
If it doesn't work properly it's broken.

If it works it's not broken.

Relax. If/when something ever breaks you'll know.
I just tested my gun out.

Shots fire inconsistently. Air seal problem maybe?

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Old January 18th, 2010, 03:02   #18
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
If it doesn't work properly it's broken.

If it works it's not broken.

Relax. If/when something ever breaks you'll know.
Haha, good answer.

Originally Posted by Slono View Post
I just tested my gun out.

Shots fire inconsistently. Air seal problem maybe?
What does "shoots inconsistently" mean, exactly? i.e. feeding problems, gas usage, muzzle velocity, slide/barrel gets stuck, magazine cools down rapidly, etc. If you're more specific, someone with experience will be able to give you specific help/answers.
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Old January 18th, 2010, 03:52   #19
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Some shots don't have a lot of power. There's an audible difference in the amount of gas let out too, and a general feel of weakness when its fired. The shots that I think are normal give out a bigger "pop" sound while the weak shots give out a "floonk" kind of sound. Sometimes it doesn't have much sound at all and the blow back is weak.

In about 10 shots, I may get 3-4 that feel weak.

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Old January 18th, 2010, 04:16   #20
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Potentially, a valve knocker/valve problem? I'm thinking its likely something to do with the seals/valves on your mag; do you have a spare magazine that was not left out in the cold? Try shooting with that magazine, and see if there's any noticeable difference. Aw hell, I can't tell you much without taking a peek at the internals.

I'm not an expert on this, nor am I claiming to be. In fact, I should probably just leave this to a more experienced gun doc.

Take it to a local GBB doc!!!

Edit: never mind about trying another mag. I just read your original post again... yeaaaaaaaah, that sucks. Posting pics won't get much done, I do seriously suggest you take it to a gun doc for at least a diagnosis.

Last edited by juicy; January 18th, 2010 at 04:20..
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Old January 18th, 2010, 04:39   #21
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I don't think the mag seals are the problem. At the moment I don't have another mag... but if the seals were a problem I'd be able to hear a hiss wouldn't I? It could be a valve knocker problem... although I have no idea how a valve knocker could go wrong. Without the mag in, I peered into the mag housing to see if the valve knocker was doing what its supposed to do and it was. Racking the slide would pull the trigger back, and pulling the trigger would make it move forward. And it should hit hard, because I have an upgraded recoil spring in there.

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Old January 18th, 2010, 04:49   #22
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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As others said, the gun is fine. There are actually shitty rubbers out there that freeze and then crack.

So just seeing you got a problem, take apart everything, clean everything like sears, valve knocker, and re-lube except for mags.

Even though the sears and valve knocker, have nothing to do with the shots like hitting hard and soft, clean it.

What I think is your BBU, the piston head o-ring is creating friction and have seem to froze up in your nozzle.

Take your slide apart and test the nozzle. Move it out and let it return back in.
If it's really stiff, take it apart, re-lube and try again.

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Old January 18th, 2010, 04:54   #23
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Upgraded recoil springs do increase wear on the sears - you do know that, right? Might not be the case with TM's, at least I understand that its not the case with TM Hi-Capa's.

As to a valve knocker, I was thinking something more along the lines of the spring that is attached to the knocker, or that the knocker itself has a fracture... But peering through the mag well won't show either of those. However, since the knocker is move forward with the hammer... I dunno.

As to a hiss of leaky seals? Nope, you won't always hear it - take for example, one of my KWA USP mags. If all is dead silent and you hold the mag up to your ear, I can barely make out a very, very slight hiss... sometimes. However, I can tell that something is leaking because leaving that mag filled up with gas for a week and a half will result in an empty mag. In your case, you might feel the results of it, like a rapid drop in power... but it really depends which seals are not doing their job. The seals I'm thinking about on yours are the ones at the top of the mag - I've noticed that these seals on my Socom Gear/WE original mags (more wear and tear on everything original on there than there should be for its age - but that's a result of buying a used gun) feel like... well, dying rubber, in comparison to my newer mags that have firm seals that actually form a complete seal with the loading nozzle.

Bring it to a gun doc. I still stick with that advice. There comes a point when countless hours of fiddling/experimentation is just not worth the time, and paying someone else with leagues of experience to take a look at your GBB for a few minutes just makes sense. At least, if its something more serious, they can fix it.
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Old January 18th, 2010, 04:56   #24
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
What I think is your BBU, the piston head o-ring is creating friction and have seem to froze up in your nozzle.

Take your slide apart and test the nozzle. Move it out and let it return back in.
If it's really stiff, take it apart, re-lube and try again.
Ah. Stock TM piston. Yup... that could give you issues - then again, I have no experience with a 100% TM M1911/MEU. Good luck. CAPS people tend to know what they're talking about - listen to them lol.
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Old January 18th, 2010, 05:05   #25
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Hm. I never thought it would be my BBU. I'm using an ILLusion Kinetics lightweight BBU and doubt its that but I'll check it anyway. Weird things could happen in the cold I suppose. I uninstalled the KM high flow valves and put in the stock one and its the same... actually worse outcome. It fires weaker and doesn't even eject the BB. I fired 10 blank weak shots until finally the slide didn't have enough power to rock back which resulted in a half cocked hammer and an un-fireable gun.

The nozzle is an Airsoft Surgeon one... and the spring is a little weird. That actually results in weak shots?

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Old January 18th, 2010, 05:07   #26
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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LOL! I forgot to ask, the shots you fired.. were they from the same mag that was left out cold? With gas still in it while it was cold?

Seems like you got the lightweight BBU from your pics. Is the piston loose? Have you loctite the piston the the unit? It's the Illusion Kinectics one, correct? If so, it's the 1 piece design, so try checking out the screw if it's loose.

Okay edit.. seems like you posted before me..
Check your BBU first, check the nozzle if it returns back in from pulling it out.
If it's fine, it's your magazine..


Last edited by Shirley; January 18th, 2010 at 05:10..
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Old January 18th, 2010, 05:14   #27
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it returns back. But I found that the BBUs o-ring makes a very tight seal around the nozzle so it doesn't slide smoothly as it creates a suction.

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Old January 18th, 2010, 05:18   #28
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Originally Posted by Slono View Post
it returns back. But I found that the BBUs o-ring makes a very tight seal around the nozzle so it doesn't slide smoothly as it creates a suction.

Splash some silicone oil in there.
Splash more in the mag.
Test again when the magazine is warm.

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Old January 18th, 2010, 05:18   #29
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Wait, there's pictures? lol.

Slono, a tight seal (from what I understand about aftermarket bits in the BBU, though I know not much at all about the IK lightweight BBU) between piston O-ring and loading nozzle is a good thing.

Bah, that was a waste of a post. Sorry, I'll shut up now and get some much needed sleep. Hope you figure out what's wrong with your GBB.
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Old January 18th, 2010, 05:24   #30
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dammit, I took apart the nozzle....its ridiculously hard to get the small screw to line up with the insides again.

Edit: Its not a waste of a post Juicy, I appreciate any bit of insight I receive on my problems. Pictures are in the ILLusion 1911/2011 questions thread in the upgrades and discussions.

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Last edited by Slono; January 18th, 2010 at 05:27..
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