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Why you don't wear Military Insignia you haven't earned..


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Old April 28th, 2008, 13:31   #16
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Well I disagree with you.

As long as he is not attempting to pass himself off as trained and capable, it's just another form of compliment, in the form of mimicry.

I agree those who tell tall tales and talk bullshit are way over the line, but there is a difference that most folks choose not to see.
Precisely, but you can't tell that from looking at a picture of a person, so it's wrong to judge someone like that
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Old April 28th, 2008, 13:31   #17
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Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers View Post
he was pretending to BE part of the seals and claiming things other people did as well as photos

lerch plays dressup

a slight difference
I'm not saying I agree, however, I'm just saying people should understand why the real people are angry about things like this.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 13:36   #18
You are pretending to be something when you wear insignia. Yea, I know it's a lot different than the guy who's actually saying he is a Soldier, or whatever.

Reenacting/Living History the past, ie WW2, Vietnam, etc IMO is fine. With the exception to some reenactors who wear medals for valor, etc.

Making yourself out to be a modern soldier, etc an wearing Combat Patches, CIBs, Jump Wings, etc Not a fan of. You can look like whatever you want without the insignia.
Old April 28th, 2008, 13:42   #19
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I can't belive Lerch isn't in this thread yet!

Come the summer contact the Admins of that site with some pictures of you having a miserable time in training. If the Brits have anything it's a sense of humor so I bet they'll tag on an update to that entry.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 13:44   #20
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Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
You are pretending to be something when you wear insignia. Yea, I know it's a lot different than the guy who's actually saying he is a Soldier, or whatever.

Reenacting/Living History the past, ie WW2, Vietnam, etc IMO is fine. With the exception to some reenactors who wear medals for valor, etc.

Making yourself out to be a modern soldier, etc an wearing Combat Patches, CIBs, Jump Wings, etc Not a fan of. You can look like whatever you want without the insignia.

I have to agree with you somewhat...I don't wear the ones I earned let alone the ones I didn't. But I don't get my knickers in a twist because some guy wants to immerse him/herself into a character. Dressing up is dressing up and Lerch never tried to portray himself as anything other than a Brit Fanboy. Kinda harsh treatment IMHO.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 13:46   #21
Brian McIlmoyle
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The cost of wearing Insignia

You have not earned is to be called out as a Poser by the people who have earned them. The extreem end of such action could be getting knocked around by them.

As long as you are clear that what you are doing is "an impression" a costume and you don't have an issue with being labled a "wanabee" There is no offense.

Imitation is the purest form of flattery. Out of all the units of the world the wanabees, wannabe your unit. That has to count for something, no?
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Old April 28th, 2008, 13:47   #22
Oh yea, I agree it is a bit much what they did to him. But he took the risk, especially with the site he posted pics on. I more or less posted this so people know that yea; some people get pissed off/insulted when they see people wearing insignia they haven't earned.

Last edited by -Skeletor-; April 28th, 2008 at 13:49..
Old April 28th, 2008, 13:51   #23
The Saint
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Originally Posted by ProbeJax View Post
I'm not saying I agree, however, I'm just saying people should understand why the real people are angry about things like this.
Because they can't distinguish the difference between imitation as a form of flattery, and outright mis-representation and lying?

Pieces of fabric don't make for an illustrious unit or membership in said unit, that honour is earned. If you've earned it, it's there whether you're buck naked or decked out for ceremonies. The idea of belonging to that special group shouldn't be so flimsy that the first person who offers to honour you through imitation is lynched. If only hockey players sued every fan that wore their special number.

That being said, one should show respect for those they wish to imitate by moderating the degree of imitation. I seem to recall a particular sensitivity over that maroon berret.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 13:54   #24
Wearing shirts, etc with a sports team or a company name is a lot different than military.

Sports clothing, etc is put out for
a.) money
b.) advertising
c.) support the team

Military insignia, etc is only for those that have earned it.

Want to show support, wear a support the troops t-shirt.

There is a lot of pride for the people who have earned those patches, etc Some have died earning them(ie combat patchs, CIBs).
Old April 28th, 2008, 13:57   #25
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I agree, the guy did nothing wrong by dressing up. This is a form of idolization and it should be appreciated. And yes, your title implies that the guy did something wrong. First thought, "Oh, great! someone got shot", and then I read the post.

Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
Oh yea, I agree it is a bit much what they did to him. But he took the risk, especially with the site he posted pics on. I more or less posted this so people know that yea; some people get pissed off/insulted when they see people wearing insignia they haven't earned.
SO WHAT! Are you going to live your life walking on eggshells worrying about what everyone thinks. The guys uniform kicks ass. There, one more for his side. Elitism is everywhere, even the military.

Last edited by mateba; April 28th, 2008 at 13:59..
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Old April 28th, 2008, 13:58   #26
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I'm sooo not into milsim and I've even gotten into it with a few of the milsim guys on ASC for disagreeing that milsim is the best form of airsoft and whatnot,

but I dont think that anyone has the right to tell them that they cannot do what they like, especially when they are doing it as accurately and authentically as possible, I think it shows a level of respect IMO
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Old April 28th, 2008, 14:01   #27
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
Oh yea, I agree it is a bit much what they did to him. But he took the risk, especially with the site he posted pics on. I more or less posted this so people know that yea; some people get pissed off/insulted when they see people wearing insignia they haven't earned.
I don't see any outrage in the article... it really is kinda just poking fun at him..
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Old April 28th, 2008, 14:03   #28
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
I don't see any outrage in the article... it really is kinda just poking fun at him..
On other sites I've seen guys get pissed off over people wearing unearned insignia.
Old April 28th, 2008, 14:03   #29
The Saint
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Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
There is a lot of pride for the people who have earned those patches, etc Some have died earning them(ie combat patchs, CIBs).
Where is line drawn, though? If it's the issue of soldiers dying, most soldiers fight and die wearing their country's military camo, would that preclude everyone else from wearing that pattern? Because one could easily make the argument that you'd need to earn that right, too, that the camo pattern was made for the soldiers to fight in, not a fashion statement.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 14:05   #30
Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
Where is line drawn, though? If it's the issue of soldiers dying, most soldiers fight and die wearing their country's military camo, would that preclude everyone else from wearing that pattern? Because one could easily make the argument that you'd need to earn that right, too, that the camo pattern was made for the soldiers to fight in, not a fashion statement.
Wearing camo is completly different than wearing something like a Ranger Tab or CIB.

AFAIK no one cares if people wear a uniform, its just the insignia that people get mad over.
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