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Grande Prairie Army Cadets



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Old July 7th, 2006, 07:06   #16
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Location: Oromocto, New-Brunswick
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Getting kinda hot in here with all this flaming and bragging

<-- Sea Cadet
Petty Officer 1st Class, 341 RCSCC Nipigon

EDIT - If your sig pic is your cadet rank, your only 14 or 15. Im 16 and a PO1 and I cant play... Age limit round here is 18 bud. Thought i would point that out.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 13:31   #17
1. How many of you are underage? Kind of a problem, since you can't buy your own airsoft guns, etc, need parental consent(etc) to play games an you might not be able to play at certain fields(because of your ages).

2. Cadets DO NOT get any military/paramilitary/tactical or whatever training. You are kids an are NOT soldiers or anything like that. Unless you count map an compass, an maybe hide an seek or whatever as "tactical" training.

I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, just pointing out a few things, especially since I've seen cadets on other forums, an in real life trying to tell people that they are like soldiers an get military training, etc.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 16:49   #18
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Hey Mike, they have their own guns, etc. I've played against them at least once for sure.

They never saw me until it was too late, HaHaHa!!!
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.

Never confuse freedom with democracy.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 21:56   #19
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*Sigh* I swear sometimes i think people cant even see my posts
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Old July 7th, 2006, 23:38   #20
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Originally Posted by -MikeL-
1. How many of you are underage? Kind of a problem, since you can't buy your own airsoft guns, etc, need parental consent(etc) to play games an you might not be able to play at certain fields(because of your ages).

2. Cadets DO NOT get any military/paramilitary/tactical or whatever training. You are kids an are NOT soldiers or anything like that. Unless you count map an compass, an maybe hide an seek or whatever as "tactical" training.

I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, just pointing out a few things, especially since I've seen cadets on other forums, an in real life trying to tell people that they are like soldiers an get military training, etc.

.. a friend of mine, Sgt.Daponte (Bravo or Golf company...can't remember), was head of basic tactics(basic,VERY BASIC),weapons training (C7 with 5 rounds only) up in CFB Borden. However, that was 3 or 4 years ago I believe the parents association bullshit , shut it down because it was "too intense for kids". He may have taken that course before it's removal? ....hmmm no clue
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Old July 8th, 2006, 00:02   #21
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Originally Posted by kos
Originally Posted by -MikeL-
1. How many of you are underage? Kind of a problem, since you can't buy your own airsoft guns, etc, need parental consent(etc) to play games an you might not be able to play at certain fields(because of your ages).

2. Cadets DO NOT get any military/paramilitary/tactical or whatever training. You are kids an are NOT soldiers or anything like that. Unless you count map an compass, an maybe hide an seek or whatever as "tactical" training.

I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, just pointing out a few things, especially since I've seen cadets on other forums, an in real life trying to tell people that they are like soldiers an get military training, etc.

.. a friend of mine, Sgt.Daponte (Bravo or Golf company...can't remember), was head of basic tactics(basic,VERY BASIC),weapons training (C7 with 5 rounds only) up in CFB Borden. However, that was 3 or 4 years ago I believe the parents association bullshit , shut it down because it was "too intense for kids". He may have taken that course before it's removal? ....hmmm no clue
Depends on your province. Most Cadet units in Ontario are having the privilige of 5 round Famil firing with the C7 removed. Most of the stories are Pure BS.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

My Buy/Sell 1337ness rating
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Old July 8th, 2006, 00:07   #22
A 5 round famil shoot doesn't count as any kind of training or qualification, etc.

Also, what is this basic tactics course. It woulden't teach cadets any real patrolling skills, section attacks, etc
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Old July 8th, 2006, 22:52   #23
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:shock: OK before my head EXPLODES with ANGER... ill take a CHILL THE !@#$ OUT PILL, ok... here we go...

1. Cadets DO NOT HAVE ANY TACTICAL TRAINING WHAT SO EVER, besides capture the glowstick, which was mentioned ahahaha.

2. in NS Cadets in Gagetown do a Fimil test on the C7 with 25 rounds, one 5 Rounds mag and 2 10 Round mags.


4. Cadets arnt MILITARY, you are a CADET, not a SOLDIER big difference.

5. I help as a Primary Res. with the 2841 Halifax Rifles Royal Army Cadet Core. most of the Cadets coundnt tie there own shoes let alone COMMAND a hole PLT through a TACTICAL POSITION. you have to babysitt even the WO and SGT's to make sure they dont eat something they shouldnt.

6. the closest things to Tac. Training with cadets is Night Nav., Map And Compass(which you get lost), and bush craft, and knot tieing.... WOW! im a SOLDIER ALREADY!

7. The Cadet Program is a Wonderfull thing i was a Cadet i was apart of the unit that i mentioned (2841) and moved on to become a soldier of the Infantry, 36Bgr Princess Louise Fusiliers LFAA. i was never a SUPER COMMANDO when i was a Cadet, i was a Cadet, and you are a CADET not a soldier so dont act like one, please, it just pisses me off and alot of other people here that are REG/P Res. guys here.


WOW :shock:

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Old July 8th, 2006, 23:39   #24
Bob the Angry Potato
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Originally Posted by -SWAT-
1. Cadets DO NOT HAVE ANY TACTICAL TRAINING WHAT SO EVER, besides capture the glowstick, which was mentioned ahahaha.
The sad thing is, dude, he's right. What are you going to do, lie still and shoot people with a Daisy, after aiming for half a minute?

Originally Posted by -SWAT-
2. in NS Cadets in Gagetown do a Fimil test on the C7 with 25 rounds, one 5 Rounds mag and 2 10 Round mags.
After 3-4 years of going to Summer Camp... :tup:

Originally Posted by -SWAT-
Well, no comment there. 'Nuff said.

Originally Posted by -SWAT-
4. Cadets arnt MILITARY, you are a CADET, not a SOLDIER big difference.
As Captain Fells told us when we first joined, 'Cadets is not even affiliated with the Canadian Army'.

Originally Posted by -SWAT-
5. I help as a Primary Res. with the 2841 Halifax Rifles Royal Army Cadet Core. most of the Cadets coundnt tie there own shoes let alone COMMAND a hole PLT through a TACTICAL POSITION. you have to babysitt even the WO and SGT's to make sure they dont eat something they shouldnt.
I know- I was with you there, and still am :-P

Originally Posted by -SWAT-
6. the closest things to Tac. Training with cadets is Night Nav., Map And Compass(which you get lost), and bush craft, and knot tieing.... WOW! im a SOLDIER ALREADY!

Originally Posted by -SWAT-
7. The Cadet Program is a Wonderfull thing i was a Cadet i was apart of the unit that i mentioned (2841) and moved on to become a soldier of the Infantry, 36Bgr Princess Louise Fusiliers LFAA. i was never a SUPER COMMANDO when i was a Cadet, i was a Cadet, and you are a CADET not a soldier so dont act like one, please, it just pisses me off and alot of other people here that are REG/P Res. guys here.
Also 'nuff said. There's some SuperCadets out there who believe their G.I. Joes simply by attending, notably the higher ranks, I find it sadly amusing.

Originally Posted by -SWAT-

WOW :shock:
Remember, kids, eye protection's imperative
Don't want to end up like that kid on my mum's old casework, when she worked for Social Services- who had a pellet go completely through his eye, split, and plant itself in his brain. Not very pleasant, hmm?
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old July 8th, 2006, 23:45   #25
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OWN3D :tup: see HE is a CADET

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Old July 8th, 2006, 23:47   #26
Bob the Angry Potato
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BTW, Nick,
Your location says 'nova soctia'.

Cheers :cheers:

And now, for a posting break. I'll be off for a few weeks, be back mid-August.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old July 9th, 2006, 22:44   #27
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no it doesnt what are you talking about... :smack:


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Old August 15th, 2006, 16:38   #28
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O.k. SWAT, you're talking about ONE group of cadets not in alberta. how the hell would you know what alberta cadets are doing? I know the guy that started this post personally, and he and a few of the other guys in the cadets here could EASILY hold their own in a combat situation. you asshole you.
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Old August 15th, 2006, 16:51   #29
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being a former cadet myself i can say that cadets is not the military... not even close and 99.9% of the cadets i met and in some cases was in charge of were absolutely not people i would trust with a weapon of any sort. being in alberta i can say that none of the cadets i was ever with here got "tactical training"... not even close.

does that mean that anyone is absolutely unqualified, no it just means that i dont think that cadets should go around pretending they are real soldiers, and i dont think that cadets should be saying that they have some "tactical knowledge" or "tactical experience".
Stop Sulking About It! - Prioritize & Organize! - Canadian Airsoft Is Not A Crime!

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Old August 15th, 2006, 16:59   #30
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Dude, I'm an Air Cadet, sure Army Cadets are a tad more hard core in drill and stuff but the only way your EVEN affiliated with the actual forces is the fact it's run by DND.
Cut down on the damn war movies.
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