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Old May 24th, 2006, 23:54   #16
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Originally Posted by luciusthegod
i like the look of the L85.... and with different internals would the gun not be bad anymore... unless there is something wrong with the body?

There IS , actually....what I read is that his body is probably the worst body ever in the Airsoft history ( read a bit more reviews about it plz )

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Old May 25th, 2006, 00:06   #17
The Saint
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Originally Posted by luciusthegod
i like the look of the L85....
Star's L85s are insanely better than the Academy one. I'd recommend saving up for a Star, rather than trying to make an Academy work.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 02:04   #18
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well i had an academy l85, i swapped the gears from a famas, i can say (confidantly) that the gears were EGSACTLY the same in weight shape and form along w/ everything inside aside from the spring and piston. the motor is equivelant to a eg motor.
i honestly dont know whay everyone bashes the a-l85, especially w/ many opinions are based on hear say. any one who has owned an a_l85 doesnt knock it. yes it isnt anywhere near as nice as the star, but it is almost 1/3 the price.

it is HONESTLY a decent gun. i liked mine, but i sold it to get the xm8, and im still sad its gone. lucious dont let everyone elses opinions sway you, if you like the l85 (or think you do) get it, it is relativley cheap and you wont be dissapointed. in stock form it is perfect for indoor (shoots under 300) and has a mad rof. if you want it for outdoor, all you need is a m110 or m120 spring and you will be close to an m16 quality (similar barrel length) and if you do end up liking the style of gun, then you know that saving up 800+ bucks for a star l85 is worth it for you, and if you dont like the style of gun, you didnt drop huge coin and you can always sell it for pretty much what you paid for it, thats the beauty of the academy l85. pm me if you have any further questiona bout the guna nd any mods youve got in mind.
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 06:02   #19
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Originally Posted by Droc
airsoft silencers dont do anything, since the noise comes from the mechbox. They do not improve range, accuracy or anything. Aside from looks and covering a larger barrel, they server no purpose
Bullshit, a silencer works wery well. in fact, and it is ha huge different between eks. å p90 whit or whit out a silencer.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 07:39   #20
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ya the silencer works well if you mold it around the body. but since they are meant to be around the end of the barrel and in real life dissipate the gasses exiting out the barrel therefore quieting the repeat of the gun. Since there is no gas exiting the barrel of and AEG and all the noise is made at the center of the gun in the mech box a silencer just makes it look cool. But IF you extended the barrel and added the silencer to hide the extention it would in fact add a little bit more range. A note on diffrent makes of AEG's and this rings true on almost everything, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. If you buy something cheap and in the end you find yourself wanting more you might not be able to get a return on the shinny piece of shit. Listen to the mass people here they are mouthy and opinionated but in the end they might save you a couple of bucks and alot of heart ache. let us know what you got in the end. good luck.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 10:29   #21
Originally Posted by Huti
Originally Posted by Droc
airsoft silencers dont do anything, since the noise comes from the mechbox. They do not improve range, accuracy or anything. Aside from looks and covering a larger barrel, they server no purpose
Bullshit, a silencer works wery well. in fact, and it is ha huge different between eks. å p90 whit or whit out a silencer.
airsoft guns make their noise from the mechbox. The gears and the winding of the motor. The clack of the piston is more of a vibration through the mechbox and out through the body.
Now some of that sound travels out the barrel, but next to none. Want proof?
I saw this on arnies or somewhere.
Take a longer gun, such as an M4 or AK. lay it down. Use a microphone connected to a computer with audio equiptment and place it 1/2 inch from the mechbox and fire. Then place the microphone 1/2 inch from the tip of the barrel and fire. Then, if you really wanna be sure, run 2 microphones, 1 to the mechbox and one to the barrel.
When you magnify the time on the computer, you can see that the loudest point is the mechbox winding the gears back and then the piston firing. But still, more sound comes from the mechbox rather then the barrel.
Ill thread on a silencer(well, its actually a chrony that attaches to the barrel, but its basically the same thing). db emmitted remains the same.
just for fun, place a microphone 3 feet away and fire the gun...then drape a towel over the mechbox area only and fire...there is your sound change.
With airsoft silencers, since most are just fakes and dont use baffels, all they are really doing is changing the tone...but the volume is about the same.

If AEGs were a combustion gun, then sure, a silencer could muffle the sound of the gas and air pressure, but since there really isnt much air actually being moved, the loud bang your hearing isnt the is the piston slamming into the mechbox. The sound your hearing is more of an impact vibration thats emmittting from the mechbox and the surrounding reciever that its touching.

You may make your gun quieter if you had a real silencer or one with baffels and foam, but its hardly going to be noticable...the tone will change, but for the most part, the db remains the same.

If you want to make your gun silent, foam around the mehcbox and use a silent piston head to cushion the piston.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 11:01   #22
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Location: Norway
Well silencer works on my P90, AK47, AK47B, PSG-1 and m14, you get a much deeper sound out of the gun, but agree totaly that a silencer doesn`t work against mecbox sound, but when if u apply a silencer the gun will be muck more quiet.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 12:09   #23
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yes that's right it WILL be MUCK more quiet. It does shit aside from look cool. Just because you want and wish and hope that it makes a diffrence it just doesn't. It's like haveing sex with your sister, sure it's a good lay for the time but it's just wrong!
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Old May 25th, 2006, 13:34   #24
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Norway
As I said works on my guns, if a buy an video cam I can record whit and whitout silencer and post it.
And if you got an silencer that doesn`t work u need to buy a more expencive one.
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