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Old May 25th, 2010, 00:32   #16
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Originally Posted by Exhopek View Post

Paintball is also popular in asia. In fact its probably more popular in some places there than canada. Places like malaysia and thailand, even taiwan hold invitational games... Where you get free hotel stay and tons of sponsorships. Theres world cup asia in malaysia which is attended by lots of people from other countries like us, europe, iran, australia even seen some canadian teams go there. Global gutz Pb fields in the Phil., theres a good paintball team in japan (team ku). People from australia visit asian countries for major paintball tourneys.
I guess that was some airsoft propaganda that I've heard then. But I guess I believed it because in my mind airsoft was "superior" to paintball, some being it's clean and started in Asia so should have a strong foothold against paintball. Don't get me wrong I still like playing the occasional paintball game however for me if I had a choice it would probably be airsoft 8 times out of 10. You need to break the monotony sometimes and it's easy to plop down $60 on a public walk on day at a PB field with a few friends rather than convincing them all to invest in airsoft guns and related gear. Ie. "Oh hey you want to invest $600 on a game that you'll only play 2 or 3 times a year" (they're more "walk on, rent some guns/masks and fling paint at each other once in a blue moon" kind of people).
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Old May 25th, 2010, 00:35   #17
The Chad
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Correct me if I'm wrong but Airsoft was invented as a way for gun enthusiasts in Japan to be able to collect replicas. Since owning a firearm in Japan is like impossible, some people decided to do the whole airsoft thing.

I have played a LOT in the Philippines, it's like a national sport there next to basketball.
Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
If you were trying to insert a magazine into another magazine then I guess that would be indeed ghey. Inserting a magazine in a magwell seems rather hetero to me. The tape is merely metro, calling it ghey is rather absurd and makes it hard for the metro magazines to socialize with other magazines.
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Old May 25th, 2010, 01:38   #18
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It did start in Japan, but as an alternative to paintball which became illegal in the early 80s due to muzzle energy.
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Old May 25th, 2010, 03:05   #19
Jbone 11 11
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I can't really comment on the first few questions as I myself have only been playing for about a year and a half... but as for how popular Airsoft is in Europe and other places:

I live in Italy right now and used to play paintball a lot back home in T.O. When I moved over here, I tried looking for paintball places again, but they are pretty rare. Mostly all up north near the American Airbases.
Then one fateful day I walk by this shop with gods arsenal of airsoft weaponry and gear ! One thing lead to another and I met the guys I now play with every Sunday. Its massive here in Italy and else where in europe. I myself have attended a few games where there were 300+ players invovlved. Every region has its own club and they are, believe it or not, very observant of rules and regs. And as for shops, there are three or four in Rome alone and a really good retailer in San Marino as well. Tons more up north (thats where all the money is!) : )
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Old May 25th, 2010, 15:27   #20
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
1. Is the popularity of Airsoft growing or diminishing in general?

Growing. Increasingly rapidly, I'd say.

2. Is it more popular than paintball at the moment? It not, will it be more popular than paintball?

No, it remains obscure and unknown to the public at large. Or limited to exposure of clearcrap from Walmart and CT

3. Is the current Canadian Law & Regulation prohit the growth of Airosoft in a significant way? Would Canadian Airsoft popularity declines/contained because of the Law?

The law hasn't changed in 10+ years. Our ability to navigate it, and the arrival of Chinese and Taiwanese manufacturers who were willing to work with Canadians to make lines of guns which would be legal in Canada (something that would have never previously happened with Tokyo Marui, who never really acknowledged their customer base outside of Japan), and maybe a greater awareness/understanding on CBSA's part have contributed to the growth.

Heck even the Walmart and CT clearsofts, despite us hating them, have helped put airsoft into the mainstream with the public at large by having guns firing 6mm projectiles alongside paintball and airguns.

4. What's the demographic of Airsofters? Are most airsofters Asians as I was told?

I think whites and asians still make up the bulk of airsofters in Canada, but there's increasing numbers of members from other ethnic groups. But the costs involved with the hobby, especially in Canada, generally limits it to middle-working class and up demographics -- so your average player will usually be from that demographics range.

5. How's Airsoft popularity in Europe compare to North America?

Using "North America" is a bit of a trap when addressing airsoft: in the US there's a large volume of low price, low quality airsoft used by kids, and it generally seems frowned upon by many adults (maybe because of the greater availability of real firearms and/or a degree of machismo). Elsewhere in the world, including Canada, airsoft is probably more of an adult-oriented sport (maybe moreso in Europe where they have actual laws governing airsoft).

North America was late getting aboard though, so Asia and Europe has had more time developing player bases which may account for the greater popularity there (and Canada's laws which have historically greatly hindered growth; there were only a small handful of airsofters in Canada before 1998).

6. Since when Airsoft become a somewhat famous hobby?

In Canada or elsewhere? In Japan it's been around since the 80s (paintball was [probably still is] illegal there). In Canada I don't remember much growth til maybe 2003?

So do I win something? Do I get an A for your paper? What?
Id have to go with this post.

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Old May 25th, 2010, 15:29   #21
The Chad
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I do want to add that depending on how it's positioned, Airsoft is quite interesting to anyone who has asked me about it.
Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
If you were trying to insert a magazine into another magazine then I guess that would be indeed ghey. Inserting a magazine in a magwell seems rather hetero to me. The tape is merely metro, calling it ghey is rather absurd and makes it hard for the metro magazines to socialize with other magazines.
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Old May 25th, 2010, 15:41   #22
Dirty Deeds
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1. Is the popularity of Airsoft growing or diminishing in general?

We really don't want anyone to know.

2. Is it more popular than paintball at the moment? It not, will it be more popular than paintball?

If we told you, we'd have to kill you.

3. Is the current Canadian Law & Regulation prohit the growth of Airosoft in a significant way? Would Canadian Airsoft popularity declines/contained because of the Law?

The government won't let us answer this.

4. What's the demographic of Airsofters? Are most airsofters Asians as I was told?

Do you work for Stats-Can? Or Immigration?

5. How's Airsoft popularity in Europe compare to North America?

Europe? Where's that? Is that near Ottawa?

6. Since when Airsoft become a somewhat famous hobby?


Seriously, take a look at Drakes post.
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Last edited by Dirty Deeds; May 25th, 2010 at 15:43..
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Old May 26th, 2010, 02:20   #23
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RE airsoft in Europe:
Do a web search on airsoft in Russia. It seems to be huge over there... IIRC, there was a post here about six or so months ago with a link to a Russian airsoft site with photos from a game with over a thousand players present.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 01:55   #24
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Originally Posted by LoveMyStubby View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong but Airsoft was invented as a way for gun enthusiasts in Japan to be able to collect replicas. Since owning a firearm in Japan is like impossible, some people decided to do the whole airsoft thing.

I have played a LOT in the Philippines, it's like a national sport there next to basketball.
Thats what ive understand too, when japan was defeated by the US there were lots of things that were prohibited and one of those were owning firearm. If Im not mistaken they were also limited to building only defensive hardware for their military.

I played paintball when I was in Singapore/malaysia since airsoft is highly illegal there but as stubby said philippines prolly have airsoft as a national sport right now and I grew up playing airsoft there since the days of the flon powered guns. I would choose my ICS m4 over my PE EGO marker any day of the week.
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