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CBC: The Trouble with Fake Guns



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Old February 28th, 2009, 20:12   #271
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I agree with the folks here that Brian did a great job trying to show us in a good light. Several poeple have posted that we could use some good PR and should find spokespeople. I would add one idea. Have our rep be a woman. They look at men dressed in camo with real looking guns and villify and stereotype us easily. It is a LOT harder to apply the stereotype to a smiling polite woman. It might just take some of the sting out of future stories.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 21:25   #272
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Brian, you really kicked some ass!

I'm surprised they actually cared to track you down...
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Old February 28th, 2009, 21:35   #273
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Originally Posted by tattoodan View Post
Duh. Easy to re-use that old story but there is many things wrong with it. First if it was regulated properly, there's as much chance that it would happen with a real gun than an airsoft one. Then you have the first question of why in hell is a kid doing running around with a gun. Most liberties are repressed because of the "Oh but think of the children!" argument.

If it was properly regulated, there's probably one in a million chance of that situation happening. That means it would happen sometimes. Just like that 5 yo kid killing his brother with a real gun. You simply cannot prevent human stupidity. And you cannot prevent all the consequences from it.

Now next time you feel high and mighty, read the whole post you just quoted and try to answer it in context instead of giving sermons.
Well it seems I misunderstood your post as much as you misunderstood mine. My point was not to praise the idea of "think about the children", but more point out that police officers are just hesitant to kill people. As facts point out, killing people without any psychological effects will make you out as a sociopath. As you do not seem to care about the humanity of our police officers, and their natural reaction to murder, I suggest you give us pointers on how to kill without feeling morally responsible. Better yet, how can someone kill and not feel anything; how can someone kill and live on with the knowledge that the situation could of been avoided.

I did not feel high and mighty. I just felt human and I tried to share the lessons I was taught by those who lived with death everyday. But you won't get it, being a sociopath and all. Wait, you just call it being tough, right?
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Old February 28th, 2009, 22:37   #274
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i was pleasantly surprised by the report, certainly not as damning as it could have been. there were valid points presented: store owner being held up, lack of proper safety practices and procedures during 'test' firing, admitted underager buying for examples. brian did a fine job of presenting airsoft in a positive manner, thank you!

it might be a good time to look into organizing the community to position itself to effectively lobby for positive change and to seek out spokespersons.

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Old March 1st, 2009, 03:45   #275
Brian McIlmoyle
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We have common Cause

With "Real Steel" shooters

They are already organized.. and to a degree funded..

If you want to help AS get your R-PAL and add to that voice.

It is the same body of legislation .. the AS community as a separate entity is to diverse.. fractured and small to be of any concern to legislators..

As a R-PAL holder who also happens to be a AS user ... we make common cause ...

GET your R-PAL and stand up for "Gun Rights" in general..

That is what I'm doing..
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old March 1st, 2009, 04:08   #276
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Originally Posted by CanKam View Post
Well it seems I misunderstood your post as much as you misunderstood mine. My point was not to praise the idea of "think about the children", but more point out that police officers are just hesitant to kill people. As facts point out, killing people without any psychological effects will make you out as a sociopath. As you do not seem to care about the humanity of our police officers, and their natural reaction to murder, I suggest you give us pointers on how to kill without feeling morally responsible. Better yet, how can someone kill and not feel anything; how can someone kill and live on with the knowledge that the situation could of been avoided.

I did not feel high and mighty. I just felt human and I tried to share the lessons I was taught by those who lived with death everyday. But you won't get it, being a sociopath and all. Wait, you just call it being tough, right?
It's pretty low to call someone you don't know anything about a sociopath after 1 post on some forum, wich pretty much makes you a douchebag. I'm quite aware of what a cop might feel about killing a kid, specialy since I have some cop friends wich I had this conversation with. My only point was that your reasoning is entirely based on the odd case wich you really can't do anything about due to human stupidity and parents irresponsiblity. If you want to put the blame on the existence of airsoft guns, well that's up to you if it makes you sleep better at night and it quite shows why the whole mess exists to begin with. It does nothing to solve the problem, quite the contrary since it just tries to asign blame to anything but the true culprit. Now since your last post just proved that youre full of yourself well...this conversation is at an end. I doubt that you'll be able to leave it at that tho...

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Old March 1st, 2009, 13:42   #277
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Im kinda confused about it, arre they trying to ban airsoft all together? Or just put in a law that you need to be 18 and have a lisensce? :S I think a liesence would be a good idea along with a law making it 18+. But if you were to need a liesence would that mean the classifieds here would'nt exist anymore because you'd need to show them your liesence? If that makes sense :P
Originally Posted by pugs144 View Post
What's a hippy redneck? A pot-smoking-sandal-wearing-longhair-femininst-gunowner with a pickup truck and like to nail his sister?
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Old March 1st, 2009, 16:14   #278
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wow dont know what was better the law makewrs walking away like she had the plauge or the 1 talking like a tool... hehe

playing with my kid!
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Old March 1st, 2009, 16:22   #279
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
With "Real Steel" shooters

They are already organized.. and to a degree funded..

If you want to help AS get your R-PAL and add to that voice.

It is the same body of legislation .. the AS community as a separate entity is to diverse.. fractured and small to be of any concern to legislators..

As a R-PAL holder who also happens to be a AS user ... we make common cause ...

GET your R-PAL and stand up for "Gun Rights" in general..

That is what I'm doing..

That is a good idea, and that is what I am going to do as well. I had wanted to get it eventually, now I will just speed the process and get it sooner.
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Old March 1st, 2009, 16:24   #280
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Originally Posted by ShortCut View Post
Im kinda confused about it, arre they trying to ban airsoft all together? Or just put in a law that you need to be 18 and have a lisensce? :S I think a liesence would be a good idea along with a law making it 18+. But if you were to need a liesence would that mean the classifieds here would'nt exist anymore because you'd need to show them your liesence? If that makes sense :P
The report wasn't about airsoft. It was about realistic fake guns in general - including airsoft and pellet guns - and how they're a cancer on our society.

The general jist of the report was nothing more than putting the fear of fake guns into people. She had a personal agenda with that report ad it was blatantly obvious. The only "positive" part of the report was the short bit with Brian's interview. Unfortunately, I feel that the only thing people will remember of his interview is his opening with "ban the guns" part and the rest (all good and valid points) will be remembered as nothing but "blah blah blah". In the eyes of public who have been conditioned to be scared shitless of any and all guns for years now, it's just easier to ban things than to deal with them.
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Old March 1st, 2009, 18:49   #281
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Originally Posted by ShortCut View Post
Im kinda confused about it, arre they trying to ban airsoft all together? Or just put in a law that you need to be 18 and have a lisensce? :S I think a liesence would be a good idea along with a law making it 18+. But if you were to need a liesence would that mean the classifieds here would'nt exist anymore because you'd need to show them your liesence? If that makes sense :P
"They" as I'm sure you mean the government - for now, dosent seem to be trying to do anything. It's illegal to buy them, you get your hand's on one, it's not illegal to own. - (edit: or yeah what Crunch said up there)

That aside, Brian, great job.
I'm disappointed they cut out Colin, I know those of us who were being spoken to really went in depth to explain safety, rules and respect of owning/gaming these kind's of toys. Once again though it was a review on replicas and nothing more, really not as bad as I was working it up to be.
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Old March 1st, 2009, 20:10   #282
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seriously our legal system is like crap right now: It does not tackle crimes. This story in my opinion is just one of many such as:

Mail Fraud (CTV did an exclusive on it)
*Identity Theft (See Mail Fraud)
*Light Sentence without accountability
*Lack of power from many "check" jobs (Eg the Canada Post can do nothing if someone is doing Mail fraud, all the are is bunch of civies, In US they can get search/arrest warrents even for murders)
*Weapon Problems: C68 cost billions for nothing, Criminals continue to import guns from U.S. easily without issue.
*No laws controlling Pellet Guns, except Ontario Toy Gun act which I fully support (Control as in Age, License etc)
*Lack of movement and change (Improve if your are reactionary) We can probably agree that current system needs to be changed.

For Conservatives:
Tougher and more accountable punishment, More regulations that PEOPLE WILL FOLLOW, More Authority power given to those jobs that needs it to do their jobs. (How can an civie do a police job without power?)
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Old March 1st, 2009, 20:19   #283
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kullwarrior, the difference is what you stated are actual issues, whereas this story was mostly sensationalist bullshit.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old March 2nd, 2009, 00:09   #284
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Here's the direct link if you want to download it. I hate streaming.
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Old March 2nd, 2009, 00:30   #285
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omg tHe CBC raided the story and soccer moms rioted!
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