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Old October 5th, 2008, 02:32   #151
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Badminton netting from canadian tire. Square's are 1.5-2".

Also getting better with my APS, been practicing more. With gusty crosswind, I can hit a man sized target %80 of the time at 175' (actually measured out the distances). In time I'd like to increase it another 50 feet.

I'll try that brown out. I'll be heading out to one of our local fields and I'll get some pics of the ghillie actually in the environment, see if you guys have any other tips.

What about the length of my jute strands? They range anywhere from 6" to 15". For a mainly grassy area, would that work ok?

And, do the thick strips work well? Again, even in the wooded parts there's pretty much grass everywhere, so I don't want to overdo it with the thick strips, making it too "woodlandy".

EDIT: Also, I was wondering - do any of you have a system setup for securing your rifle to the front of your chest for crawling, and than pulling it up when needed? Or would that just get in the way too much?
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Old October 5th, 2008, 02:47   #152
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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The thick strip help break the flat spot on the back and on the head. But it's not really nessesary if you add local vegetation.

The strands will shrink a little once it get wet, dirty and dried. Be carefull not to put long strand near your face/neck and arms. Or you will end up crawling on it or it getting too much in your face.

For crawling, I just hold my rifle from the bipod and rest it on my arms. That way, the rifle point forward and it's not getting tangled in the brushs. IMO, it's better than a 2 arms rest crawl like it's so often seen. When on all 4, I just old it in one hand and "walk" walk with it. The rifle get dirty that way, since it's mostly resting on the ground, so you have to be carefull not to dirty it too much or rest it in a way so your weight break it.

The sling is only used for long travel (walking upright) or for steading the rifle when aiming with not resting position. A properly used sling for stabilising the rifle is a very good thing. You can hold that heavy rifle up in place with less effort and your aim will be much steadyer.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old October 5th, 2008, 03:31   #153
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Does having a small amount of skrim hang in front of your face help enough in concealment to make the distraction worth it?

Also, what do you guys do about boots?
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Old October 5th, 2008, 03:38   #154
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Personally, I prefer my face to be clear of anything. I have a hood on my ghillie. If I want to hide my face, I juste look down and voila. I also have an OD cotton mesh that I'm able to see trough and I can put it over my rifle scope and my face to hide under. From a certain distance, it mask the shape and face completely. In combinaison with the ghillie suit, it's a good way to quickly hide your face and rifle scope.

The reason for this: When I walk, I usually have my ghillie hood down on my shoulder to allow for better vision, hearing and ventilation. I pull the hood up only for conceilement (when crawling, stalking or observing)

I just keep my boots uncovered. If possible, I hide them in the grass. If not, I put my feets in a way to have them as low to the ground as possible. If I where to do something, I'd glue some jute on them, even under the soals. But my boots also serve in CQB and other non-sniping related roles... So they remain black. It's generally not a problem, since you are facing your ennemie most of the time and they are hidden.

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Old October 5th, 2008, 04:06   #155
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Thanks for the tips. Someday I'll have to pick up a second pair of surplus boots and try that out, as well as getting some of that mosquito net. Hopefully I can get some more pictures of the suit up in a day or two in the environment.

Oh, one more thing - how much of a BDU jacket do you cover in netting? Currently the netting goes up to the top of my back/base of my neck, but doesn't extend over to the top of my shoulders. Is this a mistake? I tried looking at a couple different photos on here, but I couldn't tell if there was actual netting on the top and front of shoulders, or it was just the way the jute fell. Thinking about it now, I could see how you'd want to cover the deltoids on all three sides (back, top, front), but materials are getting stretched thin and I don't want to was unnecessarily. (Been inbetween jobs so I can't get anymore yet, not until the day before the game I'd like this to be ready for, and that's not enough time for dying, stripping, tying etc.)

Edit: Oh, and what do you guys wear for kit? Currently I just have a belt and suspender setup, on which I have my radio in one pouch, 1 extra mag and ammo in another, a pouch for binoculars, and a canteen pouch. Then there's my drop leg holster for my hi-capa (but that's being replaced by a belt holster as well). I was just trying it out today, and wearing it under the ghillie top felt pretty comfortable, and it wasn't too difficult getting to things.

Last edited by Cushak; October 5th, 2008 at 04:12..
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Old October 5th, 2008, 04:24   #156
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Cushak, you better get some white cammo for next weekend. They are calling for snow See you there.
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Old October 5th, 2008, 04:29   #157
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Originally Posted by IronOverlord View Post
Cushak, you better get some white cammo for next weekend. They are calling for snow See you there.
Oh F'd in the A. At least they're only predicting a 10% chance of 1cm, hopefully it wouldn't last too long if it did come. Guess I'll be layering.
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Old October 5th, 2008, 04:46   #158
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Highs of 4c, it's only longrange, but yeah, it'll suck a bit. War is hell. Hopefully they are wrong. It'll make things interesting if we do get some snow. I'll have to break out the long underwear.
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Old October 5th, 2008, 11:58   #159
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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This is the gear I have under my ghillie suit.

The Mk23 don't have the LAM unit on it and the Peltors are just there for when the loud grenades are a liability to my earing. In the pockets I have 2 bottle of Gatoraid, compas, calculator, rifles mags, pistol mags, cotton net, food, map, grenades if available. Also important, if used, is to have your Killrag quickly reachable. Because everyone will shoot at the ghillied sniper because it's so hard to know on wich team he is and when they see one walking, it's a free for all sometime.

You can see the cotton net I spoke about. It must be ventilating enough because when you are low to the ground, even ballisitc glasses can fog, not to mention closed goggles. So you need to keep that in mind.

Your shoulders should be ghillied. Maybe have shoter strands on there just to be sure it wont get cought when crawling. To know where to put some, when you are on your belley, aiming your rifle, non of the base of the BDU should show, except maybe the elbows and forearms.

My ghillie, prior to weathering of the hood. It was in it's beta version on this pic.

This is what it looking, in the process of making.

I did not had a good net and used this POS net. Don't use that, since this one is too flexible and get cought in everything.

I'm planning on building a new ghillie suit soon. I'll incorporate a lot of new features to make it "bullet proof" in therme of performance.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne

Last edited by FOX_111; October 5th, 2008 at 12:02..
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Old October 7th, 2008, 13:52   #160
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Got more done today. I glued netting onto the shoulders, and attached scrim to the right sleeve and shoulder.

Also in the process of dying more fabric.
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Old October 7th, 2008, 15:40   #161
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Looking good.

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Old October 10th, 2008, 19:33   #162
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more WIP pics of the ghillie and other stuff I'm working on at the moment.

The base coat, yellow and brown, fall colours.

Just about to begin the pants.

About to start tying onto pants, started ghillieing my APS.

This side is almost done, just need to add some lighter green.
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Old October 11th, 2008, 15:02   #163
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Looking good.

Don't forget to cut openings at the bottom of your pants, so you can put them on without removing your boots.

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Old October 11th, 2008, 15:38   #164
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
Looking good.

Don't forget to cut openings at the bottom of your pants, so you can put them on without removing your boots.
Better plan would be to cut the fabric down along the already stitched seam, than sew on webbing straps, so that they become something like chaps, also helps to increase air flow and reduce heat.

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Old October 11th, 2008, 16:09   #165
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Good idea. I never seen it done before. Maybe because it's more complicated.

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