Originally Posted by yanhchan
Let me tell you a little bit about the mechbox that you're going to be recieving that does 375 FPS.
Plastic bushings that will die and need replacing in about 10 000 rounds
really bad greasing inside the mechbox
Poor air seal in piston
Weird and non TM compatable hop up and barrel (get a new upgrade set for around 90)
Plastic spring guide (IT WILL SHATTER)
Take it from me, I have one, its not bad if you know how to upgrade mechboxes and willing to toss another hundred dollars on internal upgrades alone so that it can keep its adveritsed 370 FPS. Luckily mine had the black body but you're going to either want to paint yours or get a new body.
Okay , lets say I put new bushings (saw some tut and I think I can do it)
I grease it
The piston ... what do I do with it ??? ( plese give me a link of a new pisotn I could buy ??)
And the spring guide , where can i buy one?
If i buy the ak-47 I want to be sure of the modif i have to do then there wont be problem ( got some friends that can do it for me if im having trouble)