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ABS Slide and Green Gas/Propane


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old March 9th, 2006, 08:01   #1
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: New Westminster, BC
Exclamation ABS and Green Gas/Propane

Popular opinion seems to be that if you want to use propane you better have the metal slide and barrel. Yet I have seen other posts talking about how they get better performance with ABS.

Obviously the metal can handle the power better, but is it really that big of a deal or is it primarily an aesthetic choice?
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Old March 11th, 2006, 10:43   #2
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People like metal for reliability purposes. Obviously metal can withstand more abuse than plastic.

Now, I only have an ABS slide and it's been holding up quite well with propane. Eventually I'm going to get a metal slide, but I'm confident my ABS slide will work out for at least the remainder of the year, assuming I don't abuse the gun.

Speaking on a theoretical level, it would seem to me that you would get a marginal FPS boost with a metal slide, because of the added weight of the metal slide. The gas will escape from the path of least resistance, and that would be out the barrel pushing the BB. A portion will work to push the slide back. With the added weight of a metal slide, there would be more resistance on that path, encouraging the gas to work pushing the BB out the barrel rather than moving the slide back.

When I inevitably get a metal slide, if my ABS one is still working I'm going to chrono them both and see if there is a noticable difference. It will be negligible, if any, but the gas won't "work harder" to push the slide back, more will just be encouraged to go out the barrel instead of pushing the slide back.
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Old March 11th, 2006, 13:03   #3
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I'll back the fact that my ABS slided guns have survived many thousands of rounds each using only propane without any cracks or wear or anything. Just keep in mind that you are aging your GBB faster (similar to putting a heavier spring into your AEG, will increase the rate of aging aka. failure), and in some cases an ABS slide might have a very slight defect in it that will cause it to break within the first 100 or 1000rds shot using propane. No way to tell except for using your GBB with the performance enhancing propane. So don't worry too much, especially if you plan to upgrade with a metal slide in the near future anyways.
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Old March 11th, 2006, 14:48   #4
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First off, I run propane on all my GBB's. I strongly suggest going with a metal slide if you do upgrade the internals. If you don't do upgrades, I'd stick with the abs plastic. If you put a metal slide on it, the blowback is gonna be sluggish and most of the gas is gonna be wasted in moving a heavy metal slide. You'll still go through a whole lot of rounds with the plastic slide before it starts falling apart.
I don't know if I made myself clear or not. I now exactly what I want to say but 4 cups of coffee is making me insane with a million thoughts going through my head all at once.
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Old March 11th, 2006, 17:44   #5
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I have fired over 500+ BBs with my P226 on propane and have had no problems so far.
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Old March 11th, 2006, 20:36   #6
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Ive had 700+ shots with my KSC G19 on propane with a plastic slide and no other upgrades and no problems have arrisen yet.
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Old March 11th, 2006, 22:19   #7
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Richmond Hill, Ontario
here's a newb question for you guys..... I'm currently using propane on my metal G26 and find that I can only get off 5-6 rounds before the gas runs out. Is that normal? how can I fix that. And, I have a mag from a G17 which is leaking, am I better off buying a new one or try and fix/seal the leak area?
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