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I Thought I Knew A Little....


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old July 7th, 2006, 01:08   #1
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I Thought I Knew A Little....

But I know nothing about this game...I'm in the U.S. and I bought a plastic spring-pistol UHC Desert Eagle not too long ago for about $30.00 USD. It is a lot of fun and even more so when playing with a large group of friends in a little wooded area outside of our small bubble-ish suburb.

Here's what I can't seem to understand: why do you Canadians have so many more avenues of purchasing these guns than us Americans?? Airsoft Atlanta is perhaps the only good store out there for purchasing guns...and they're all basically plastic from what I can see.

First, as I was browsing the Canadian Retailers, I noticed the alarming prices...but then couldn't understand why in a review of a gun like an AK-47 (manufactured in metal and mock wood) cost in the area of $250.00 USD...which seems pretty reasonable.

That's a lot of rambling and you might just want to skip to this part....Overall, sans going to Japan or China, where is it possible to purchase these guns at an affordable price? I seem to find so many pages with just a dead end when it comes to trying to actually order these guns.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 01:16   #2
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Americans can import airsoft from Hong Kong where Canadians cannot. There are also numerous American airsoft sites that have links to American retailers.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 01:19   #3
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Originally Posted by bruce
Americans can import airsoft from Hong Kong where Canadians cannot. There are also numerous American airsoft sites that have links to American retailers.
Could you give me some of those links, dude?
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Old July 7th, 2006, 01:20   #4
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Try the international tab (top of page) Lots of good retailers there... You can import from them as Bruce said.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 01:25   #5
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Old July 7th, 2006, 01:44   #6
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Originally Posted by bruce
Thanks a lot, man....but I'd also like to ask what kind of gun you have, how much you spent on it, and the FPS.

Also, if you could recommend a solid gun in the $100.00-285.00 range, that would be cool.

EDIT: Oh...and what's the highest FPS you can get somewhere in that price range.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 02:40   #7
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Stop trying to get spoon-fed the information.

DAMIT is it that hard to GOOGLE the information.

EDIT: How old are you? You dont appear to me to even be of age
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Old July 7th, 2006, 03:12   #8
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speak for yourself hockster.... you dont have your age up either dude. stop being a prick he asked a simple question, it was answered more or less. if you havnt noticed, hes american, their laws and rules for airsoft are most likely more slack than the laws here in canada. Your starting to sound like greylocks with your fuckin automated google this google that response.

Van, if you can get an ICS, Classic Army, or Tokyo Marui for that price range than you will be more than good, those guns are all great guns, TM being the most reliable, being said its plastic. ICS and CA are metal where metal should be. As per FPS, id recommend sticking with a stock gun for awhile, as its a huge change form a spring pistol, and a stock AEG can outgun upgraded ones sometimes, ive said it before, its about picking your shots. Play a bunch of games and go through a few bags of bb's before sending it in/upgrading yourself. With a stock mechbox id recommend no more than maybe 400 FPS, even 400 would be pushing it, as upgrades definatly wear things out FASTer

Most stock guns shoot between 270 and 310 FPS. Depends on manufacturer and model.

Personally ive spent close to a grand on my gun, and its nowhere near finished, thats just on external parts, need to upgrade the mechy soon. as soon as my external is done ill move onto the inside.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 06:54   #9
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Originally Posted by porry
speak for yourself hockster.... you dont have your age up either dude. stop being a prick he asked a simple question, it was answered more or less. if you havnt noticed, hes american, their laws and rules for airsoft are most likely more slack than the laws here in canada. Your starting to sound like greylocks with your fuckin automated google this google that response.
Wow... stop flaming on people... Why isnt this trashed yet??

PS - greylocks is my hero
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Old July 7th, 2006, 08:25   #10
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Here, you have to be 18 to buy. We also have severe limitation on importations, so I dont know why you think we have more choices?
Check the International Retailer sites. Most of the gun descriptions include a FPS rating, from that you can decide yourself about the price/value/speed.
No we wont do your research for you. If you found this place, you can find the rest.

Porry, if you are going to quote me, be careful what you ask for. Start by getting age-verified yourself. Hockstar, there's a difference between directing someone to the information and chewing them off for no reason. Did you even NOTICE he's from the US and their laws are different before opening your mouth?

VaNHaLuN18, you have been told where to look, we tend to tell folks only ONCE because we get those questions Every Day, the rest is up to you. Most of what you need to know is written in our FAQ section.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 10:25   #11
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Greylocks strikes again :grin:
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Old July 7th, 2006, 10:41   #12
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Classic Arm, Tokyo Marui, ICS are the 3 brands you should start around from. Airsoft Atlanta carries all these brand if you learn how to read the site properly. Just remember, you get what you paid for.

Or if you are interested in used airsofts, airsoftretreat, airsoftforum, and arniesairsoft is where you want to visit.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 11:04   #13
G&P and G&G should be mentioned also.
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Old July 7th, 2006, 13:45   #14
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Well the Grey I am sorry, Next time I will link to google, it was just that he managed to find this site im guessing from google, but did adjust his search for what he was looking for. I did notice that he was from the US, but there are many american sites where he can look for his information from people who are more involved in the american game and their rules then we are in Canada.

Also was asking information that is asked every day by every new person that creates an account on this site, I remember the first time I was on the site, it took me 30 seconds to find the things I was looking for.

Porry, I see where you are coming from, and I will be age verrified this summer, the problem was that I to was not of age when I started frequenting this site, but I never asked to be spoon fed.

The last thing I want is to lose the respect of the people on this site, so I am sorry for jumping down on you. There is a FAQ section on this forum that has TONNES of stuff and will anwser most of your questions.


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Old July 7th, 2006, 14:57   #15
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Dont apologize to me, apologize to him. I'm no moderator or admin, just a guy who is not afraid to speak his mind in person or online.
You did not direct him, you yelled at him. I never yell at a person right off the bat, only after they've been handed clues or refuse to follow any advice already given. Maybe he did not notice the FAQ section, so he gets one chance.

Even when I ream someone, you'll notice I seldom curse. You were out of line.
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