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Wehermacht Uniform help wanted!


WW1, WW2

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Old February 20th, 2016, 23:29   #1
White_Tiger117's Avatar
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Wehermacht Uniform help wanted!

Hey guys I am just getting into airsoft and have decided to go for a Historic look no mater who I am against (Backfire this will most likely, but who cares if its fun?) I am trying to figure out exactly what Uniform I need as I want to go for A panzer Field officer. I know it is Standard wehermacht grey over the black of tank officers\crew but that is about it any help would be great! As for weapons and Uniform I have the following so far.

Rank:Oberleutnant or Hauptman
Hat:Peaked Wehermacht Panzer Officer cap (Field grey with pink pipping) (owned)
Jacket: None
Pants: none

Main weapon: Stg 44 (owned)
Side arm: P38 (owned)

Any and all help would be great and I will update the list as I get my hands on stuff! :wink:

Last edited by White_Tiger117; February 21st, 2016 at 01:41..
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Old February 21st, 2016, 23:09   #2
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Why not go for Generalfeldmarschall look ? In all seriousness, start off small. Pick branch of service, pick a division, pick one of lowest ranks, study history of said division, get in touch with reenactment groups and than go from there. People in those groups will direct you towards proper retailers and will most likely provide guides for making good impression. It takes time and money to build decent WW2 German impression.
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 00:01   #3
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
Why not go for Generalfeldmarschall look ? In all seriousness, start off small. Pick branch of service, pick a division, pick one of lowest ranks, study history of said division, get in touch with reenactment groups and than go from there. People in those groups will direct you towards proper retailers and will most likely provide guides for making good impression. It takes time and money to build decent WW2 German impression.
Was going to go for Leutnant because I make a good "oh god we got a new idiot in charge" :P

Right now I am looking more at division and unit to pick as well. Was Originally going to go for panzer field officer (AKA: the guy yelling GO THE OTHER WAY)
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 00:16   #4
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Panzer impression of any kind would be very impractical unless you own a tank or attend living history events. Tank crews did not wear y-straps, did not carry ammunition pouches of any kind and did not really have any gear on since there were confined to a tank. You would be running around the field with a pistol, MP40 with no spare mags and maybe one of these since it was used to keep ammo inside of armored vehicles.

Officer impression would also be very impractical and very expensive ( decent impression will run you more than $1000 ), especially if you are thinking about joining any existing airsoft/blank fire units later on. No organized unit will allow new recruit to wear officer's insignia.

Like I said, look at something simple and common. Infantry, maybe panzer grenadiers.

Last edited by 666; February 22nd, 2016 at 00:23..
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 00:19   #5
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
Panzer impression of any kind would be very impractical unless you own a tank or attend living history events. Tank crews did not wear y-straps, did not carry ammunition pouches of any kind and did not really have any gear on since there were confined to a tank. You would be running around the field with a pistol, MP40 with no spare mags and maybe of these since it was used to keep ammo inside of armored vehicles if you want to look the part.
oh cool! Ya I was just thinking that as well, I was going to do the Command staff that normally chilled in jeeps but That would still be a odd right? Maybe Panzer Grenadier is a better choice since then I don't get stuck with a black Uniform lol!
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 00:24   #6
Brian McIlmoyle
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If you do a simple Grenadier set up you are more likely to attract more guys to joining you than if you start off with an officers set up.
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 00:29   #7
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
If you do a simple Grenadier set up you are more likely to attract more guys to joining you than if you start off with an officers set up.

True, but this is more for my collection as well oddly........... what about somthing like this? My buddies are going lower rank so I got voted to be the target officer............ (Why do I get the feeling I will meet friendly fire lol) But ya is this about right for a start? I know its not everything but for just airsoft I think it should work?


Company:Panzer Grenadier


Collar Tabs



Pants:Officer Stone-Grey Garbardine Trousers

Belt:Black Leather Equipment Belt with\WH Field Grey Belt buckle

Holster-38 softshell

Boots: Strong sole Jack boots

Amo Pouch: MP 43 U. STG 44 AMMO POUCHES

Main weapon: Stg 44 (owned)
Side arm: P38 (owned)

Last edited by White_Tiger117; February 22nd, 2016 at 01:03..
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 13:02   #8
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Don’t get the parade dress uniform. Unless you figure your role is going to be in the office and not in the field.

Again, I think going to with tank crew will be a mistake. You are going to want to be infantry or panzer grenadiers.
As mentioned by others… try to keep away from being an officer rank. ((though I shouldn’t be talking)) Watch “Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter“ and go for loadout smiliar to ‘Wilhelm Winter’

Do note that there was no officers field uniform, so most would have the EM field uniform collar converted to look similar to their parade dress. SOME suppliers on ebay may do the conversion for you, like what I had done. I didn’t ask for the French cuffs but they did it anyways =/
As for breaches, go with the standard EM pants.

Remember officers were BIG targets for snipers and enemy fire. You want to blend in with the troops as much as possible.

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Old February 22nd, 2016, 15:16   #9
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Originally Posted by Pockets View Post
Don’t get the parade dress uniform. Unless you figure your role is going to be in the office and not in the field.

Again, I think going to with tank crew will be a mistake. You are going to want to be infantry or panzer grenadiers.
As mentioned by others… try to keep away from being an officer rank. ((though I shouldn’t be talking)) Watch “Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter“ and go for loadout smiliar to ‘Wilhelm Winter’

Do note that there was no officers field uniform, so most would have the EM field uniform collar converted to look similar to their parade dress. SOME suppliers on ebay may do the conversion for you, like what I had done. I didn’t ask for the French cuffs but they did it anyways =/
As for breaches, go with the standard EM pants.

Remember officers were BIG targets for snipers and enemy fire. You want to blend in with the troops as much as possible.

lol I know im a target that makes it a bit more fun :P

Also I thought that uniform jacket was a non-dress and standard officer...... To be honest I like how it looks and don't mind the sniper fire :P

But ya isn't this a non-dress uniform?

I know a fair amount of younger officers kept it on in the field as well. (They didn't last long but still............)

And would these pants work with it? I am trying to figure out how bad the damage will be to buy my uniform lol!
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 21:44   #10
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It all depends on what part of WW2 you want to portray. M36 is early war but it can also be found in late war pictures while M43 is purely late war. You really need to do research because most people will not spend 3 hours typing huge post, trying to tell you everything you need to know. Question asked once in a while will be answered for sure but it's all about reading forums, books and personal research. Hours spent looking through photographs and studying. Decent impression will not just appear over night after you place one order and will cost lots of money. Basic impression will run close to a grand, once you get involved deeper, start getting things like personalized dog tags, ID books, pocket knives, fake money, wallet, first air kit etc etc than you are looking at another grand at least. Impression is never 100% compete. There is always something to improve.
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Old February 23rd, 2016, 21:20   #11
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
It all depends on what part of WW2 you want to portray. M36 is early war but it can also be found in late war pictures while M43 is purely late war. You really need to do research because most people will not spend 3 hours typing huge post, trying to tell you everything you need to know. Question asked once in a while will be answered for sure but it's all about reading forums, books and personal research. Hours spent looking through photographs and studying. Decent impression will not just appear over night after you place one order and will cost lots of money. Basic impression will run close to a grand, once you get involved deeper, start getting things like personalized dog tags, ID books, pocket knives, fake money, wallet, first air kit etc etc than you are looking at another grand at least. Impression is never 100% compete. There is always something to improve.
You are right on the mark.

White_Tiger117 it is your money, up to you to spend it how you see fit. If you are so set in your mind as to what you are going to get why are you bothering asking us?

While on the eastern front if I had you sent to me fresh from Berlin I would certainly task you to the front lines as you come across being too eager go. I would be needing my other officers to help plan a strategic withdrawal in the hopes of having successful counter attack… If we can ever get supplies and adequate air/artillery/tank support =(
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Old February 23rd, 2016, 23:29   #12
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White Tiger, why do you have to be an officer? Why not run as an NCO? If there are only a couple of you, it would look more legit than some captain running around wit enlisted men. Plus then you all look more or less the same. Encountering sniper fire is a moot point. All the WW2 guys are targets whether your an Ami or Kraut. Something about the bb's pinging off the helmets no one can resist.
Age Verifier for Calgary, PM me.
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Old February 24th, 2016, 00:09   #13
Brian McIlmoyle
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spend some time.. do some research.. otherwise you will end up looking like some joke shop costume Natze

if it's cosplay you want though .. then just stop asking questions and do whatever you want.

Originally Posted by White_Tiger117 View Post
True, but this is more for my collection as well oddly........... what about somthing like this? My buddies are going lower rank so I got voted to be the target officer............ (Why do I get the feeling I will meet friendly fire lol) But ya is this about right for a start? I know its not everything but for just airsoft I think it should work?


Company:Panzer Grenadier


Collar Tabs



Pants:Officer Stone-Grey Garbardine Trousers

Belt:Black Leather Equipment Belt with\WH Field Grey Belt buckle

Holster-38 softshell

Boots: Strong sole Jack boots

Amo Pouch: MP 43 U. STG 44 AMMO POUCHES

Main weapon: Stg 44 (owned)
Side arm: P38 (owned)
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Old February 24th, 2016, 01:48   #14
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Originally Posted by Drunk_Albertan View Post
White Tiger, why do you have to be an officer? Why not run as an NCO? If there are only a couple of you, it would look more legit than some captain running around wit enlisted men. Plus then you all look more or less the same. Encountering sniper fire is a moot point. All the WW2 guys are targets whether your an Ami or Kraut. Something about the bb's pinging off the helmets no one can resist.
Well I am trying to figure out what Jr.Officer Uniform works together the pants and top I linked are more or less the only field worn I can find that work together.f (And yes I HAVE done research I am just trying to double check things)

Last edited by White_Tiger117; February 24th, 2016 at 02:12..
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Old February 24th, 2016, 10:30   #15
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by White_Tiger117 View Post
Well I am trying to figure out what Jr.Officer Uniform works together the pants and top I linked are more or less the only field worn I can find that work together.f (And yes I HAVE done research I am just trying to double check things)
it was very common ( and in fact regulations insisted after 1941 ) that field officers wear standard enlisted Feldblouse, and Trousers, Some did modify the standard issue items.. and some continued to wear bespoke tailored uniforms.. but not many Jr officers would

Often the only thing distinguishing an Jr officer from the men would be the shoulderboards.
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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