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Bought my Gun...Now What?


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Old July 30th, 2011, 16:11   #1
Join Date: Jul 2011
Bought my Gun...Now What?

Just picked up a CG Tactical AK-47 with the folding stock from Venture.

Friends picked up some M4 Carbines.

We have been shooting each other in the woods around our homes, but want to get out and play in the Big Game in Nova Scotia on the 28th.

If we just show up with STOCK guns with no mods, will we meet FPS guidelines? or do we need to go out and buy springs that lower out our FPS?
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Old July 30th, 2011, 16:13   #2
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if this can be answered by a n00b guide please accept my apologies and point me in the right direction
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Old July 30th, 2011, 16:16   #3
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Well first is first... How old are you? And you should probably avoid playing in the woods. Not really ideal.

What did the box say about the FPS and what brand is it exactly? Most feilds will allow up to 400fps when its outdoors, 350 when indoors, etc.

As for "n00b guides'

Its not really that though to click on the FAQ section and putting a bit of effort into searching yourself. This isn't a spoonfeeding service i'm afraid.
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Old July 30th, 2011, 16:40   #4
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Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Well first is first... How old are you? And you should probably avoid playing in the woods. Not really ideal.

What did the box say about the FPS and what brand is it exactly? Most feilds will allow up to 400fps when its outdoors, 350 when indoors, etc.

As for "n00b guides'

Its not really that though to click on the FAQ section and putting a bit of effort into searching yourself. This isn't a spoonfeeding service i'm afraid.
I'm 25. I'll get age verified eventually. No the woods aren't ideal, however I live in an where it is safe to do so.

It's a Cybergun 60th Anniversary Kalashnikov. Cyma rebrand. I think the box has it rated at 4xx fps. I'm currently using .25 bbs.
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Old July 30th, 2011, 16:52   #5
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you and your friends could probably buy a chrony as a goup, check your AEGs, modify them if needed and then sell the chrony.
Or just borrow a chrony from someone.
speeds are better measured with .20 BBs but it's easy to do the conversion.
you need to chrony the AEGs because they will be chronied, and that sucks to not be able to play just because you're above the field limit.
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Old July 30th, 2011, 16:54   #6
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Just look for games in the games section.... dont you think.

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Old July 30th, 2011, 17:04   #7
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
you and your friends could probably buy a chrony as a goup, check your AEGs, modify them if needed and then sell the chrony.
Or just borrow a chrony from someone.
speeds are better measured with .20 BBs but it's easy to do the conversion.
you need to chrony the AEGs because they will be chronied, and that sucks to not be able to play just because you're above the field limit.
thanks for the info.
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Old July 30th, 2011, 17:08   #8
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First order of business is to grab a decent pair of goggles or a paintball mask. A decent pair of boots with proper ankle support is a near second priority.

As mentioned, access to a chrono is also good to have, paintball fields should all have one so if there is one near you won't need to buy it.

Safety gear first, the rest is just gravy.
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Old July 30th, 2011, 17:13   #9
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Since you state you're over 18, contact your local Age Verifier and get AV'ed; it won't take much longer than 10 minutes and maybe cost you a coffee. It's worth it. Then join the local games as outlined in the games section of this forum. Note: depending on the game and hosts, there may be Age Verifiers present, so you could kill two birds with one stone.

As for your question of "what next" - BDUs, carry rigs, extra magazines, smart chargers for your batteries, spring downgrade (if your rifle came with a spare spring in the box, put the spare spring in and you should be sub-400 fps), eye protection (ballistic; NOT SHOP GLASSES), and a good pair of boots. Not necessarily in that order. You can pick up additional equipment as needed.

And read the various Newb FAQs in this section - it's all good info.
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Stalker stays where he is.
His BB's fly across the country to hit their target.
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Old July 30th, 2011, 17:23   #10
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Now that you have a gun, as everyone mentioned propper eye protection should be first on your list. Most fields require sealed googles so check with your local fields prior to purchasing something. However, eye protection is one thing you should never ever cheap out on.

After that more mags (because HiCaps suck imo) and then some kind of chest rig to carry said mags. BDU's arnt super important but helpful. I do recommend a good pair of boots over BDU's. I was in shitty boots two weeks ago and stepped on a rut in the road and my ankle gave way. The boots had zero ankle support and I was very lucky that I didn't snap my ankle. If your in the middle of a field and roll your ankle its a long walk back to your car. I swear by my Danner's or Magnums.
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Old July 30th, 2011, 17:37   #11
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Paintball goggles will work anywhere and is the standard.

Sealed ballistics come in a close second but will not be allowed on paintball fields (insurance purposes). Even if ballistics will stop a .50 BMG it's generally not ASTM certified for paintball use and will not be allowed.

Third is ballistic glasses but the problem there is there is a "chance" of it coming in at an angle and maybe bouncing around and hitting you in the eye but it's your choice to take that risk. I don't like taking that risk however I have played a few times with ballistics.

Don't get anything else. Shop glasses will work to an extent but the way they test for that you're really in the "danger zone" of it potentially not protecting you (from a frontal strike as well as the bb coming in at an angle and taking your eye out).

Footwear is always recommended. Combat boots, or hiking boots will work. I personally use hiking boots. It's generally not a good idea to use work boots (CSA approved) because they're heavy and not very fun, that is unless you like ankle weights and want to train yourself to run faster, jump higher or whatever. They're not terrible but not ideal either.
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Old July 30th, 2011, 18:24   #12
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So eye goggles won't be a problem. Probably going to a get a full mask from ebay or something.

So my gun didn't come with a different spring. If i'm hitting over 400fps, what do I need to do?
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Old July 30th, 2011, 18:34   #13
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Originally Posted by pdizzle View Post
So eye goggles won't be a problem. Probably going to a get a full mask from ebay or something.
If you buy a mask off Ebay make sure it is Paintball certified. As we said, don't cheap out on eye protection. Anything made by Revision or ESS is worth the money. They supply the US and other countries with ballistic goggles for the Military. I have had my ESS ICE Glasses for years and they work fine. Broke the nose piece once but it was easily replaced.
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Old July 30th, 2011, 18:44   #14
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look on for cheap paintball protection! (I would go with the JT spectra masks if I were you! really comfy!)

Also, if you can, get the "themal lens option"
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Old July 30th, 2011, 20:57   #15
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Originally Posted by pdizzle View Post
So my gun didn't come with a different spring. If i'm hitting over 400fps, what do I need to do?
Depends what the field limits are.

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