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Old July 9th, 2011, 19:33   #1
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Every sport receives both hot and mild criticism for whatever reasons. Airsoft is no exception to this. There are people who love airsoft, hate airsoft, and don't really care about airsoft.

I have been hearing plenty of criticism from non-softers who dislike the sport. These people are often current or ex-military, couch potato gun enthusiasts, paintballers, and general jerks. Often the argument is that airsofters are nothing more than delusional military wannabes who are too afraid to actually join an army.

My question to you, the airsoft community, is this:

How do you feel about, and how do you deal with, this criticism?
In loving memory of Omeljan Kuzik.
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Old July 9th, 2011, 19:34   #2
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I will start. I think most of the criticism is pointless and unfounded. Most of it is by people who just want to make fun of a group who enjoys what they are doing. Either that, or they are jealous of something.

However, some are in the right to criticize. People who emulate a unit fully, or don medals and patches they did not earn, deserve to be questioned. While I have a kit made in honour of an army some of my relatives were a part of, I do not have the audacity to give the illusion that I am a part of them.

As a side note: I am currently training myself before I am shipped off to basic training with the CF. I am not an army wannabe, but simply one who will be.
In loving memory of Omeljan Kuzik.
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Old July 9th, 2011, 19:58   #3
I am manly hear me squeek
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If its positive criticism ill usually listen to it but if its just blatend BS ill walk away i tend not too argue about airsoft unless its to a paintballer who thinks Paintball is by far the better sport but even then if its just a pissing contest with no valid point ill just let em have their Rant.

Then again im not a fan of arguing to begin with, Im married i get enuff of it at home and she hates airsoft too. "Your grown men running around in the bush playing a glorified version of cops and robbers with your little stick guns goin pew pew pew your dead" Actual Quote by the way.

Last edited by Spawn28; July 9th, 2011 at 20:04..
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Old July 9th, 2011, 20:06   #4
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I always respond the same way:

"Ok, name me one other activity that lets me shoot at people with realistic guns without the guilt of actually killing or seriously injuring them?"
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Old July 9th, 2011, 20:22   #5
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
If its positive criticism ill usually listen to it but if its just blatend BS ill walk away i tend not too argue about airsoft unless its to a paintballer who thinks Paintball is by far the better sport but even then if its just a pissing contest with no valid point ill just let em have their Rant.

Then again im not a fan of arguing to begin with, Im married i get enuff of it at home and she hates airsoft too. "Your grown men running around in the bush playing a glorified version of cops and robbers with your little stick guns goin pew pew pew your dead" Actual Quote by the way.
Women don't like it when us men have fun (believe me, I know). Other than that, yeah, most criticism is just BS.
In loving memory of Omeljan Kuzik.
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Old July 9th, 2011, 20:24   #6
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Originally Posted by Greenwolf View Post
I always respond the same way:

"Ok, name me one other activity that lets me shoot at people with realistic guns without the guilt of actually killing or seriously injuring them?"
I agree, that's a good response. Heck, even the CF plays airsoft for force on force training. It's the most realistic, and the cheapest, way the simulate an actual battle.

Although I do admit to Red Ryder wars as a kid.
In loving memory of Omeljan Kuzik.
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Old July 9th, 2011, 20:59   #7
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My rule for any criticism:

If it helps, hear it out. If it's bullshit, just ignore it.

I usually don't give a shit about what other people say, because, quite frankly, life's to short to bother paying attention to bullshit.

Fuck it Drive on.
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Old July 9th, 2011, 21:05   #8
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I can't really listen to criticism from paintballers who wear jumpsuits and neon coloured uniforms and have a giant hopper sticking out of the top of their guns. I can't take them seriously. With that said most of paintballers that come talk to me about my gear are very polite and respectful so no harm no foul. My girlfriend hates airsoft and the military in general as she's from Okinawa, Japan and the US military has f***** up her homeland with their military bases so I can't blame her. So instead of serving in the CF currently airsoft is the next best thing. One of my teammates is armoured recce and there's quite a few serving members who play airsoft so not all of them hate on it. Its actually great practice for them as well.

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Old July 10th, 2011, 01:41   #9
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I admit I used to look down on airsoft.
It was hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that small bb's could be used better than larger paintballs. The honor system threw me off playing with paintballers who whipe. One day I realized that paint was messy and I didn't like having to be all greasy till I got home and showered. If they don't call their hits, light them the fuck up, same as paintball.

After my conversion, I only miss one thing. Being able to bring a croup of buddies in for a single game day. But with that said, It would probably hurt the basis for the honor system.

I had an old buddy (paintballer, works at FR) tell me airsoft stinks. Granted propane does smell bad, its not as gross as paintball smell. He also said airsoft guys whine about getting paint on their kit. After getting paint on my ciras and pouches, Damn right I hate paint.

To each their own.
In the end, if they wont listen to the merits, don't listen to the criticism.
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Old July 10th, 2011, 03:50   #10
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I'll hear anyone out. Maybe they'll make good points, maybe they won't. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I'll grant them that. Airsoft isn't for everyone, and most people do have a hard time seeing the fun in it. But those that do, really have a fun time. I do my best to drop knowledge on people when they're dissing, but not all listen. They have their own hobbies and oddities. And I wont question them.

...But seriously, paint on your gear sucks ass.
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Old July 10th, 2011, 04:03   #11
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Paint on your gear doesn't suck if your mom is still doing your laundry for ya

I'd rather look like I'm out to shoot someone than ride a dirt bike. Just sayin is all.
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Old July 10th, 2011, 04:13   #12
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Originally Posted by Urrah! View Post
Every sport receives both hot and mild criticism for whatever reasons. Airsoft is no exception to this. There are people who love airsoft, hate airsoft, and don't really care about airsoft.

I have been hearing plenty of criticism from non-softers who dislike the sport. These people are often current or ex-military, couch potato gun enthusiasts, paintballers, and general jerks. Often the argument is that airsofters are nothing more than delusional military wannabes who are too afraid to actually join an army.

My question to you, the airsoft community, is this:

How do you feel about, and how do you deal with, this criticism?
I typically just show them my military ID.
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Old July 10th, 2011, 04:14   #13
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On that note, whats the correct method of washing 1000D cordura? I found paint on my pouches, hyd pack and helmet cover....

Just throw that shit in the wash and airdry? I tried handwashing a pouch water only, was nogo.
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Old July 10th, 2011, 04:16   #14
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Stiff bristled tub brush and some mild soap like dawn or whatever.

Always makes my gear lemony fresh.
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Old July 10th, 2011, 04:28   #15
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Originally Posted by Janus View Post
Stiff bristled tub brush and some mild soap like dawn or whatever.

Always makes my gear lemony fresh.
If it's really tough stains, then use some fast orange with a stiff bristle brush. Not too much, but enough to get the grime off.
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