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Question's on some gear.


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Old March 13th, 2011, 21:47   #1
Sam*'s Avatar
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Question's on some gear.

So i'm looking to finish my main layout towards the German look.

so far i have
-flecktarn pants
-flecktarn shirt
-flecktarn vest
- MP5
- Goggles

I have a helmet but its all metal and kinda heavy, so i need a new lighter one with a flecktarn cover. I saw some but id like to get some advice on a good one.

Also, is getting a Hydration Reservoir Backpack suggested? or should i just stick to water bottles. (( this is the one i found, ))

Ive also been looking at requirements for games, the occasional one seems to be radio's. So i'm looking for advice on that.

And last but not least, a good pair of boots, i was thinking of just going down to an army surplus but if someone has a specific kind/brand that i should go for please do share.

Sorry if this was posted somewhere else i wasn't able to find other threads.

thanks for you time.
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Old March 13th, 2011, 22:04   #2
Suburban Gun Runner
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Well it wouldn't hurt to post t in the gear section but whatever. A hydration carrier is much superior to water bottles, but remember thats just the outside bag you will need a bladder. Watter bladders go for about $15-$30. I use a pair of CF issue botts that I got a few years ago at a surplus. But I suggest getting the best quality boots you feel comfortable with. As for comms I have tham but hate them. Why? Because almost no one knows how to use them properly or doesn't bother. Comms do open up another aspect of the game but to be honest they are not 100% neccessary.
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eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old March 13th, 2011, 22:05   #3
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Since you're local, here's some tips for our games:

1) get good eyewear. Don't cheap out on the eyewear. Not only for protection, but also to help prevent fogging.

2) the radio... don't waste your money on the half watt FRS stuff. If you're going to get one get a 4W UHF. There's plenty of threads covering radios already, just do a search and do your homework.

3) how you carry your water is a matter of preference. Most people do find it more convenient to use a hydration bladder; not only to carry the water, but to be drink regularly and stay hydrated.

4) you might want to consider waterproof boots, specially if you play outdoors a lot, moreso if you plan on playing in early spring and late into fall or even winter.

Likely, think about how you'll set up for rain (hint: Quebec has an association of organizers: being a no show due to bad weather is the fast track for getting blackballed from events).
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Old March 14th, 2011, 13:23   #4
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Since you're local, here's some tips for our games:

1) get good eyewear. Don't cheap out on the eyewear. Not only for protection, but also to help prevent fogging.

2) the radio... don't waste your money on the half watt FRS stuff. If you're going to get one get a 4W UHF. There's plenty of threads covering radios already, just do a search and do your homework.

3) how you carry your water is a matter of preference. Most people do find it more convenient to use a hydration bladder; not only to carry the water, but to be drink regularly and stay hydrated.

4) you might want to consider waterproof boots, specially if you play outdoors a lot, moreso if you plan on playing in early spring and late into fall or even winter.

Likely, think about how you'll set up for rain (hint: Quebec has an association of organizers: being a no show due to bad weather is the fast track for getting blackballed from events).
Ya i saw that to on some events where they got black listed/ put on hold for being a no show at some events and where only to be let in if their was room in the event for them. makes sense to saw on another thread some guy had to pay 500$ out of his own pocket because of people not showing up.

But ya for the boots i will look for some all season/rain proof, got to be ready to play rain or shine.

and if people aren't using the radios much il hold off on getting it, until i get into games and see if its commonly used or not.

Thanks for the help.
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Old March 14th, 2011, 13:41   #5
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Depends on the king of game you intend to play.

Basic skirmishes don't require a radio. Larger scenario-based games with squads organisation usually require (or very, very highly recommend) having one, and it's pretty much mandatory for milsims.

As far as waterproof boots, it also depends on your kind of play. I know some guys don't care about going into swamp areas, and that always fill their boots with water... in that case, it's better to not have waterproof boots: they will get filled anyways, and if they're waterproof, they will stay wet.
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Old March 14th, 2011, 14:51   #6
a.k.a. Greedy
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Danner, Magnum and Original Swat are some popular and good quality brands of boots to look at. A lot of the reasons people

prefer one brand to another involve aesthetics and preference on individual fit. I would recommend you "try before you buy"

(don't order online) when it comes to boots so you get the ones you feel most comfortable in. One thing that is sometimes overlooked

in a boot is the weight, I prefer a nice light boot for ease of running. Get some nice quality boots, your feet will thank you for it.

Last edited by Kozzie; March 14th, 2011 at 14:55..
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Old March 15th, 2011, 10:33   #7
ASC Philosopher
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I spent close to $200 bucks on boots and I love em. You get what you pay for, don't cheap out on footwear.
Enjoy the true freedom that comes from being completely free of the shackles of reality.
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Old March 16th, 2011, 04:07   #8
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Seriously, best hydration packs ever.
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Old March 21st, 2011, 16:34   #9
S.N.A.F.U's Avatar
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Cheapin out on gear = cheapin out on your game - heres just my personal opinon of the top two purchases of EQUIPMENT (not guns)
1. PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR - I cannot stress how important it is to never EVER cheap on eyewear
2. BOOTS - without comfortable mobile feet you are useless and combat ineffective
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