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WE G39C initial Impressions


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Old November 8th, 2010, 12:41   #1
Brian McIlmoyle
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WE G39C initial Impressions

I managed to get my hands on a brand new WE G39C this past Friday.

Here are my initial impressions. from the outside in

The external appearance of the gun is excellent, Though I have never had a RS G36 in my hands the G39C from WE looks as though it means business.

Feel and appearance of the finish is top notch. Not plasticy , It feels like a high strength polymer, no flex wiggle or creaks anywhere.

Weight and Balance, excellent, the gun is light as expected in a polymer receiver gun, again I have no RS handling time with this model , But Stats comparison shows the WE is just a little lighter than the RS G36C.

Balance is excellent, but tricked out with the rails loaded up I can see this thing getting front heavy fast.

The gun is very handy, and pointly like most HK weapons, the gun / human interface is well thought out and effective.
The iron Sights are optimized for the role of this weapon, CQB, front ring protected post , rear low light notch and flip up large aperture sights make an optic or RD sight superfluous in my opinion. A full length top rail will allow the mounting of any Optic desired.. but co-witness with Irons will not be possible due to the low profile nature of the iron sights.

Selector switch seemed a little "hinky" as it was slushy and did not snap in to the selections.. by the end of the test session .. this was working itself out.
control is ambi.

Trigger is typically Military .. with a long take up and a snappy break.. I did not like the plasticy thunk of the trigger... echoing in the polymer receiver.. but I expect the RS is the same.

Recoil is VERY snappy and this little gun barks as loud as the WE PDW but with a sharper voice. Fired consistent 367 on .20 and 320 on .30 Bastards.

It was shooting straight out to 15m ( max range on the range that night ) so I did not fiddle with the hop up.. but adjustment is easy and accessible through the top of the receiver with a large knurled ring to affect adjustment.

Lock back and end of mag was flawless.. and very sharp. The bolt hold open device is located on the underside of the receiver forward of the trigger aft of the magwell.. not easy to find but once you know its there it's easy to reference .. Stiff though.

MAGS- I only had one.. Gas capacity Nearly 3 mags from a gassing, at 22c ..impressive . Loading the mags are a PITA I can only think there must be a proprietary mag load device.. I was forced to load by hand .. and could only get 20 in before the spring tension defeated my fingers. Ill talk to the importer about that.. If it is the case that a specific mag load tool is required, I would consider that a significant design flaw.. as it could render the gun unload able if lost or broken

G36 mags are seriously bulky.. and the knobs and flanges really don't make any sense to me from load carry standpoint.. I can see these things being a bitch to get out of pouches. but it is cool that you can click 2 mags together ( or 10 for that matter) so the trade-off may be worth it as every mag change comes with a ready-mag.

Ill have to get more mags and run them in a few pouches before I have a relevant opinion on that.

I had one failure to cycle and bolt jam.. I disassembled the gun ( which is very easy and intuitive if you come equipped with a clue about RS guns. )

3 pins , no tools and the gun breaks down to components.

This gun will not have the issue the WE SCAR had with the rear of receiver cracking.. the receiver end is a solid casting of metal with a large nylon/ rubber buffer in place to absorb recoil again I wish I had some RS experience with this model of firearm so I could determine the accuracy of the operating system.. I expect it is closely modeled.

The issue with the jam was a dry o ring on the "bolt" .. a little silly oil and we were back in action within 5 minutes.. I expect property oiled gas will ensure this does not happen again.

Overall.. I like the gun.. Hate the mags.. but that likely won't stop me from getting one.

Principal issue is the gun shoots hot for indoor use.. 367 is a little spicy for 0 distance engagements.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old November 8th, 2010, 13:04   #2
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I'd echo Brian's comments on the rifle.

It's a very nice, fit and function.

I'm on the fence re. the open bolt system and it's nozzle setup. The M14 nozzle looks very GBB-ish...the G36/39 nozzle is very reminescant of the WE bolt. I do not like bolts made up of multiple pieces of thin plastics, pins and springs. But hey...if it holds up what's the big deal.

The mags are big...not as blocky as the AEG ones...they seem a little slimmer, but the tabs are retarded. I'm positive they will snap off with rough tugs out of tight pouches.

Gas guns push a lot of gas....propane is an awesome degreaser/deoiler. Keep it lubed up.

Controls and cocking handle seemed decent. Unlike the G36 AEG...the cocking handle doesn't snap off if you breath on it hard. Bolt returns to battery nicely.

Metal back plate (unfair to call it a plate since it's a hunk of metal) and it's rubber bumper is really nice. Basically the back end of the receiver is going to break completely away before anything else gives on this sucker.

It shoots really nice. Good action to it. Good feel.

I'm not a fan of the G36...too short for me and I feel like I'm going to grab the muzzle by accident. A K version would be awesome and if they came out with the MG version and a gas snail mag that'd be great.

I can see why loading the mags is a PITA. On the upside the feed lips look very sturdy.
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Old November 8th, 2010, 13:29   #3
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I'm finding a lot of inconsistency in how hot the gun shoots; I think Redwolf reported 350 on GG, ASGI was closer to 400, RATech had their modified version shooting at just over 400 but sub 350 at stock. No one else really reported what gas they were using other than RW.
G36 users here reports double M4 mag pouches will fit a single G36 mag, they are bulky SOBs. Kind of a downer to see your report on loading up the mags, I guess only time will tell if someone finds a standard.
If you get your hands on one Brian, would love to get your take on the G39C vs your PDW.
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Old November 8th, 2010, 13:41   #4
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by HeadlessChicken View Post
I'm finding a lot of inconsistency in how hot the gun shoots; I think Redwolf reported 350 on GG, ASGI was closer to 400, RATech had their modified version shooting at just over 400 but sub 350 at stock. No one else really reported what gas they were using other than RW.
G36 users here reports double M4 mag pouches will fit a single G36 mag, they are bulky SOBs. Kind of a downer to see your report on loading up the mags, I guess only time will tell if someone finds a standard.
If you get your hands on one Brian, would love to get your take on the G39C vs your PDW.
Well that is easy.. PDW- M4 mags.. familiar operation .. in a sleek sexy package. metal internals--( close bolt system)

G36C - bulky mags, stupid to reload .. Plastic moving parts in bolt...

PDW is the better gun.. in my opinion, I'm only thinking about the G39C because I didn't have one.

I have a PDW... and I've handled and Shot the G39C now.. no contest .. nothing against the G39c.. but I have a lot more time in on the AR15/ M16/M4 frame and find it comforting.. I'd need to do some significant time in with G36 frame before I was as comfortable.

So for me it's not just about Aesthetics.. it's also about ease of use.. not that the G36 system is clumsy.. ( well except for the stupid mags) it's just not in my comfort zone.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; November 8th, 2010 at 13:46..
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Old November 8th, 2010, 14:29   #5
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which PDW do you have?

I've had a chance to handle the open bolt ones and I love 'em... I'm wondering how these things compare to an open bolt PDW.
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Old November 8th, 2010, 14:44   #6
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
which PDW do you have?

I've had a chance to handle the open bolt ones and I love 'em... I'm wondering how these things compare to an open bolt PDW.

I have the closed bolt.... because I have 24 closed bolt mags, and 4 other guns that use them
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old November 8th, 2010, 16:41   #7
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Lol I'd say that's a pretty good reason to own the closed system.

Hrrrm I'm gonna have to get my hands on one of these things to play around with.
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Old November 8th, 2010, 17:55   #8
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For the mags they have this shape for two reasons :

-Floor plate : easy to get a good grip on it and extract them
-"Magwell plate" (my trademarked term ) : to avoid the issue with AR15 mags when you put pressure on it, they move thus increasing the misfeed/failure chances, I can force a jam easily on a AR15, not on a G36/Sig type mag (actually my HK417 never had a misfeed even when resting on the mag... forgot the bipod that day).
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Old November 14th, 2010, 09:41   #9
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Ive been using a G36 as my primary for many years now and have never had a problem with the mags. I think you just need a proper pouch to hold them. My vest has 4 magazine pouches on it to hold 8 magazines. Ill also put a fresh one in my drop pouch for a total 10 mags. The pouches are extra roomy so the magazines slip out like their lubed with butter. Only time the tabs get in the way is when trying to put them into the pouch. Never really been a problem for my because Ive got the drop pouch. Also because the pouches are so fat in a pinch I can fit just about any other type of magazine I want(usually AK mags for me).

On losing the tabs it just comes down the company that makes them. Hopefully they build them with strong tabs like the Mag magazines I use. I havent lost a single tab yet. But a teammate of mine bought the star mags and lost about half of his. To the point of just taking a pair of pliers and snapping the rest off.

I cant count how many times having a ready magazine has saved my ass.
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Old November 14th, 2010, 12:38   #10
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That's an interesting insight NES. I didn't realize that there were jamming issues with the AR series if you rested the gun on the mag. I would think that there might be a way to fix that issue with a mag catch that would key into the latch opening on the mag. Perhaps an early end to the tapered face on the mag catch so it keys in perpendicularly to the bottom of the edge of the latch hole so it prevents the mag from pushing upwards.

I don't know if that's already in the original design, but I think that might limit the up push into the mag well without interfering with reloading.
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Old November 14th, 2010, 14:32   #11
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I realize this is a really big longshot of an idea, but I'd like to see if any of the AEG AR mag adapters would fit on the G39c, and if AR mags would fit, or if the adapter could be modified to fit AR mags. I've always loved the G36, but the mags are the hugest turnoff of the platform, IMO. Also, NOT having to buy 5 - 8 extra mags (assuming you're running a WE SCAR/AR) would be a huge plus.
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Old November 14th, 2010, 14:57   #12
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Originally Posted by Cilantro View Post
I realize this is a really big longshot of an idea, but I'd like to see if any of the AEG AR mag adapters would fit on the G39c, and if AR mags would fit, or if the adapter could be modified to fit AR mags. I've always loved the G36, but the mags are the hugest turnoff of the platform, IMO. Also, NOT having to buy 5 - 8 extra mags (assuming you're running a WE SCAR/AR) would be a huge plus.
The AEG AR mag adapter could probably fit with little to no work.

But AEG mags don't carry gas.

I'd imagine the real steal (i know, polymer) would probably work. But the mag compatibility may be imposible without modifying the mags.
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Old November 15th, 2010, 08:15   #13
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Originally Posted by AngelusNex View Post
But AEG mags don't carry gas.
Yes, I realize that, but I'd like to see if the mag adapter could be modified to allow use with the gas mags.
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Old November 15th, 2010, 08:29   #14
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Cilantro View Post
Yes, I realize that, but I'd like to see if the mag adapter could be modified to allow use with the gas mags.
You may be able to adapt it to fit.. but the mags must also interface with the bolt to get a good gas seal and to feed bbs to the chamber.

Maybe they will do it... but it won't work for me. all of my mags are the Closed Bolt version
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old November 15th, 2010, 10:05   #15
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Originally Posted by MadMax View Post
That's an interesting insight NES. I didn't realize that there were jamming issues with the AR series if you rested the gun on the mag. I would think that there might be a way to fix that issue with a mag catch that would key into the latch opening on the mag. Perhaps an early end to the tapered face on the mag catch so it keys in perpendicularly to the bottom of the edge of the latch hole so it prevents the mag from pushing upwards.

I don't know if that's already in the original design, but I think that might limit the up push into the mag well without interfering with reloading.
Supposedly a "properly built" RS AR-15 won't have a problem resting on magwell, but all the WA GBBRs I've tried had issue. Not sure about WEs or others...

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