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Best helmet for comms?


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Old November 14th, 2016, 22:55   #1
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Best helmet for comms?

Im looking to get some opinions on different helmets and their usability with headsets, as well as their comfort while being used with a headset.
I currently run a repro ops-core fast style high-cut helmet, and im using that in conjunction with a set of howard leight impact sport's which I have routed outside of the retention system so they're on the inside of the helmet. The issue that i'm having is that because I have a smaller head, the helmet sits fairly low on my head which puts downward pressure on my headset which subsequently pushes down on my ears which can get uncomfortable after a while of wearing the helmet.

The helmets that I was looking at as a replacement for my current helmet were the Team Wendy exfil ltp, the ops-core maritime super high cut, and possibly a version of the mich 2000 or mich 2002.
If I were to go the team wendy route I would get an actual exfil ltp, whereas if I were to go with either an ops-core maritime or a mich 2002 or 2002 I would go with repros.

I would like to hear some opinions on any of the helmets listed above.
Thanks in advance.
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Old November 14th, 2016, 23:46   #2
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Instead of investing in a new helmet, try using a set of peltors arc rail adapters, and instead of putting the adapters on the top of the rail put them on the back of the rail, I feel like this might solve your issue more effectively then buying a all new helmet.


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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I think that's the direction I should have gone with this one though.
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Old November 15th, 2016, 00:06   #3
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Originally Posted by BenG View Post
Instead of investing in a new helmet, try using a set of peltors arc rail adapters, and instead of putting the adapters on the top of the rail put them on the back of the rail, I feel like this might solve your issue more effectively then buying a all new helmet.

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I've considered trying that when I saw what Robo did with his helmet, but I tried putting my headset over my ears rotated 90 degrees and it didnt feel comfortable at all. Also the ear cups wouldnt fully seal to my head either. I know its just airsoft so having a full seal doesnt really matter but I would prefer to wear them the way they were designed to be worn.
It's also my goal to eventually upgrade to a nicer helmet at some point, so knowing which one would work best with a headset would be beneficial for that. If I went the maritime route, I'd likely go for one of the nicer repros made with the aramid fibres and that have nicer liners as well. Or i'd go with an exfil LTP since i've heard that those are pretty comfy as well, even with a headset on.
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Old November 15th, 2016, 01:05   #4
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have you tried the adapters, just regularly, I had a RS set of MSA sordins for about 2 months before I sold them because of the same issue you are having, the adapters do make it a whole lot better in general, I still sold them because I didnt like being totally isolated.
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I think that's the direction I should have gone with this one though.
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Old November 15th, 2016, 10:48   #5
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Im considering giving the adaptors a go, however I'm still sceptical of them working. When I wear the helmet normally without the headset on, I only have about a centimetre of space between the top of my ear and the helmet which isnt enough room for the ear cup to fit without either pushing down on my ear or pushing the helmet up. I also dont like how with the howard leights, its a permanent modification to mount them to arc rail adaptors so if I ever decided I wanted to wear them standalone I would have to purchase a new pair.
Thats why im leaning towards something like the maritime style helmet since it supposedly offers an extra half inch of clearance for headset users.
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Old November 15th, 2016, 13:24   #6
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I guess the best helmet would be one that fits.

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Old November 15th, 2016, 13:51   #7
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I just need to find a helmet that fits properly first. Unfortunately I have limited resources in terms of being able to try before I buy. I might be able to try a team wendy exfil ltp through 911 supply here in calgary, but I dont know of anywhere close that I would be able to look at a maritime style super high cut helmet.
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Old November 15th, 2016, 14:32   #8
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Originally Posted by riley_A View Post
Im considering giving the adaptors a go, however I'm still sceptical of them working. When I wear the helmet normally without the headset on, I only have about a centimetre of space between the top of my ear and the helmet which isnt enough room for the ear cup to fit without either pushing down on my ear or pushing the helmet up. I also dont like how with the howard leights, its a permanent modification to mount them to arc rail adaptors so if I ever decided I wanted to wear them standalone I would have to purchase a new pair.
Thats why im leaning towards something like the maritime style helmet since it supposedly offers an extra half inch of clearance for headset users.
I'm using a Pro-Tec A-Bravo Halfshell Helmet and it has a enough clearance for headseats. It is probably the most affordable legit bump helmet on the market, plus its rated for mountaineering/rockclimbing and water sports. I recommend you look at the helmets offered at the Pro-Tec military website and choose what you like.
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Old November 15th, 2016, 15:58   #9
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Originally Posted by Kungpow View Post
I'm using a Pro-Tec A-Bravo Halfshell Helmet and it has a enough clearance for headseats. It is probably the most affordable legit bump helmet on the market, plus its rated for mountaineering/rockclimbing and water sports. I recommend you look at the helmets offered at the Pro-Tec military website and choose what you like.
I saw the A-Bravo when I was looking through the seals action gear website and they're ridiculously cheap considering what they're designed for which is a plus. My only complaints though would be that they look pretty ugly to me at least, and the retention system is pretty old school. Call me picky but im just not a huge fan of the protec helmets. Also were you wearing the headset under the helmet? Or did you have some sort of rail adaptor for the 1913 rails?
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Old November 15th, 2016, 17:13   #10
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Originally Posted by riley_A View Post
I saw the A-Bravo when I was looking through the seals action gear website and they're ridiculously cheap considering what they're designed for which is a plus. My only complaints though would be that they look pretty ugly to me at least, and the retention system is pretty old school. Call me picky but im just not a huge fan of the protec helmets. Also were you wearing the headset under the helmet? Or did you have some sort of rail adaptor for the 1913 rails?
I wear the headset under the helmet. I bought the A-Bravo barebones for Mountain Biking and Skiing and it looks like the Pro-Tec Ace Wake helmets.

If you do not like the look of it there are the Pro-Tec Advanced Tactical Helmets. Still affordable as its only $9 more than the A-Bravo.
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Old November 15th, 2016, 17:23   #11
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Originally Posted by Kungpow View Post
I wear the headset under the helmet. I bought the A-Bravo barebones for Mountain Biking and Skiing and it looks like the Pro-Tec Ace Wake helmets.

If you do not like the look of it there are the Pro-Tec Advanced Tactical Helmets. Still affordable as its only $9 more than the A-Bravo.
I definitely prefer the look of the advanced tactical helmets, however since they're modelled after the regular high cut helmet which is what I currently have, I'd likely run into the same issue that i'm currently having.
I might see if I can try on a team wendy with my headset on and then go from there.
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