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AEG with high R.O.F Out of Box


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Old February 22nd, 2015, 06:24   #1
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AEG with high R.O.F Out of Box

Is there an Aeg that comes with a high rate of fire out of the box? Looking to buy another AEG but am really wanting something that works well and shoots fast out of the box.
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Old February 22nd, 2015, 06:42   #2
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Well, first, high ROF is most often than not a disadvantage, especially in limited ammo scenario. Also, some (very few) avenues, mostly CQB places, have limits on ROF. But if you still want it, you have two choices. Try to find a Tokyo Marui High-Cycle series AEG, such as their short AUG or their MP5K which do around 25 rps with a standard NIMH battery. They shot around 270 fps, but still have great range. The other option is to find any AEG with room for a large battery and use the most powerful battery you can find this should give you between 20 and 30 rps. You might also have to change the motor to a high-speed motor in some of them, which would help reach 25-30 rps. A weaker spring will always help improve cycling rate, so a power downgrade should be considered.

G&G is supposed to put an AEG with a dual sector gear on the market soon. Its a special gear that pulls the piston twice in one rotation. It means it has no semi auto option, just two rounds burst and full auto. Normally you can reach incredibly high ROF with dual sector gears, but somehow, G&G managed only 30 rps and claims it is very high.

If you go high-ROF, be prepared to have lower power. High power springs and fast cycling don't go well together. Anyway, a very high ROF gun at high FPS would be incredibly dangerous, especially to your teammates in case of an accidental friendly fire at close range.
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Old February 22nd, 2015, 12:01   #3
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Old February 22nd, 2015, 12:33   #4
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Lol we had to learn to pull the trigger fast out west. Most fields unless its a full milsim game are semi auto only. Not sure I get the appeal of HRF unless you can't hit anything and want a bb hose.

Keep in mind if you want an out of the box high cycle gun either your getting very low FPS or it will break fast and you will have to upgrade it anyway.

G&P devil 170 motor plus MOSFET and an 11.1 lipo will get you 25-35bbs a sec does not last long the motor breaks the internals.
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Old February 22nd, 2015, 12:48   #5
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Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
Well, first, high ROF is most often than not a disadvantage, especially in limited ammo scenario. Also, some (very few) avenues, mostly CQB places, have limits on ROF. But if you still want it, you have two choices. Try to find a Tokyo Marui High-Cycle series AEG, such as their short AUG or their MP5K which do around 25 rps with a standard NIMH battery. They shot around 270 fps, but still have great range. The other option is to find any AEG with room for a large battery and use the most powerful battery you can find this should give you between 20 and 30 rps. You might also have to change the motor to a high-speed motor in some of them, which would help reach 25-30 rps. A weaker spring will always help improve cycling rate, so a power downgrade should be considered.

G&G is supposed to put an AEG with a dual sector gear on the market soon. Its a special gear that pulls the piston twice in one rotation. It means it has no semi auto option, just two rounds burst and full auto. Normally you can reach incredibly high ROF with dual sector gears, but somehow, G&G managed only 30 rps and claims it is very high.

If you go high-ROF, be prepared to have lower power. High power springs and fast cycling don't go well together. Anyway, a very high ROF gun at high FPS would be incredibly dangerous, especially to your teammates in case of an accidental friendly fire at close range.
This is not even close to correct. A dual sector gear has two sections to pull the piston, but also has two cutoff cams so semi auto will work fine. G&G DSG is a shitty idea anyway. There is literally no point in building a 30 RPS DSG. SSG at that speed is far more efficient.

High RoF guns are not good out of the box. TM high cycles use shitty gearbox components. High RoF guns that work PROPERLY have to be built, not bought as a stock gun. I'm not going to be assed to go into detail about this.
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Old February 22nd, 2015, 12:52   #6
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
High RoF guns are not good out of the box. TM high cycles use shitty gearbox components. High RoF guns that work PROPERLY have to be built, not bought as a stock gun. I'm not going to be assed to go into detail about this.
+1, never just buy a high ROF gun right out of the box. A properly built one is light years better. My SSG does 44RPS/375FPS on bushings. If bearings I could probably break the 50RPS barrier easily.
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Old February 22nd, 2015, 13:02   #7
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
This is not even close to correct. A dual sector gear has two sections to pull the piston, but also has two cutoff cams so semi auto will work fine.
Ok, the only one I've ever seen would fire twice in semi-auto, but that's a few years back. Good to know.
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Old February 22nd, 2015, 15:03   #8
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probably because it was build improperly... with a weak spring or trigger that was holding the shuttle too tight.

You can build a single sector gear to give you a random number of rounds on semi as well.. that's just a shitty build. lol.

just dropping high powered motors into a stock gun is asking for shit to be broken. There are things to be done in addition to adding just a motor or gears to achieve what you want...

but stock ratio gears and big battery with new motor will get you up to 30ish if you're on bearings. bushings you'll top out maybe in the mid 20s.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 22nd, 2015, 21:12   #9
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Hmmm okay. So all in all, I would practically need to work on a gearbox? Weaker spring, fast motor, mosfet, new set of gears? Reinforced gb? An 11.1v lipo? What choices or differences would I have and need for the gears? I not to familiar with the ratios etc whatnot.
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Old February 22nd, 2015, 22:06   #10
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you need to reread the replies.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 22nd, 2015, 22:21   #11
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Originally Posted by Swaltz View Post
Hmmm okay. So all in all, I would practically need to work on a gearbox? Weaker spring, fast motor, mosfet, new set of gears? Reinforced gb? An 11.1v lipo? What choices or differences would I have and need for the gears? I not to familiar with the ratios etc whatnot.
If you don't know the answers to these questions your best bet is to find a local gun tech and work something out with them.
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Old February 22nd, 2015, 23:37   #12
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We're not being rude, it's just that taking on a task like this without any prior experience is a bit like rebuilding an engine when you haven't so much as taken apart a lawn mower.
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