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Is pyramyd air reliable?


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Old August 4th, 2011, 06:40   #1
The Legend
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Is pyramyd air reliable?

What's your expierence with them. I plan to get some FAMAS mags
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Old August 4th, 2011, 08:10   #2
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They are alright... but they often tend to do you a "favor" and upgrade your standard USPS shipping to FedEx or UPS for "free", costing you loads in brokerage fee you wouldn't have paid with USPS/Canada Post.
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Old August 4th, 2011, 09:35   #3
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A friend of mine ordered stuff from them and when he opened the box it looked like they had filled it from across the room. BB bag was burst, boxes inside were mashed up. The mags were metal so no damage. He called them and they replaced the bag of bbs no charge!
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Old August 4th, 2011, 11:52   #4
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Just ordered from them recently, one of the few vendors at the time that had any of the ICS S&W MP15 in stock, on top of offering it at an unbelievably low price $240 with free shipping was hard to resist. They called me to confirm my order, as my billing address didn't matched my shipping address. The order was processed quickly, shipped out same day, and arrived couple days later. Packaging wise, there wasn't any, a larger packaging box contained the OEM AEG box, but this was fine as the OEM AEG box has a plastic cut out for the gun which protects it from being damaged. Opening the AEG box, the magazine worked loose from the cutout, probably during shipping, and could have scratched or marred the receiver, but luckily no damage.

At the low price, I was afraid that the quality of these new Cybergun/ICS internals would be crap, I was going to just use the lower receiver on a new build, drop in a previously modded lower gearbox assembly, and use the remaining parts as spares, but was surprised the quality was on par, if not better than older gens, well except for the upper gearbox - one tooth of the piston gear sheered off. Luckily I've got a number of other upper gearboxes and it wasn't that big of a problem for myself. But I did contacted them to see if they'd send a new piston. They unfortunately don't sell them individually, part of upgrade kits, and offered to instead to exchange the entire gun for a new one, as it was within the 30 day warranty period. The turnaround time in combination with return shipping wouldn't make sense for just a broke piston tooth, so I just bit-the-bullet and bought one elsewhere to use the stock upper gearbox as another spare. I also suggested they test fire the guns for added quality assurance, which apparently they do, if you pay $10 more, though I don't remember seeing that option when I was checking out. So FYI, if you get a gun, pay the extra to have them test it before shipping it out to you, that way you don't deal with the hassle of return shipping and all jazz.
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Last edited by Ming_the_Merciless; August 4th, 2011 at 11:59..
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