All I can figure about these "Twisted" or "rifled" barrels is that it doesn't make sense to me. The BB's we use are hard plastic, not soft enough to be shaped by the rifling. Nor do I see how this can give/get any better spin to the round than the hop up systems in AEG's presently. The overhead wheel puts a nice back spin, which because its a sphere really works well. Now if they divited the rounds like a golf ball than we'd see some improvement. But who wants to pay EVEN more for a hand full of live savers :P
Its like the difference between my MP4 and my M4A1. My M4 has great velocity and a decent grouping, but the MP5 will get better range ((Not accurate range but better range)) however in the brush the slightest/tinest branch kills the MP5 rounds where as the M4's cut through better. The only thing that I can think of to cause this would be that the slower moving MP5 round ((Also note these are both firing 0.25)) has a more stable back spin on it, but has not momentum behind it to punch through the brush. Where as the M4 has so much more air pressing the round forward that it has lots of momentum but because of the increased velocity resulting in a more instable spin to the round.
It'd be interesting to see what these barrels did with a softer round though
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