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Old July 8th, 2006, 21:35   #11
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Personally, I wouldnt go with an auto glock.. Full auto is fantastic if you have 8+ mags. Your 49rd glock hicaps at 90 bucks a piece are sweet, but only last you a couple bursts. If you want to go with a GBB, the TM P226 is a sweet gun, so is the hicapa series, of corse a glock is always a good option and having the extra long mags makes it that much better, even on semi.

I would also look at what your using on the field right now, if your running an M4 or an AK, chances are you already have an assload of mags, batteries, and gear ready for it. Save yourself some cash and pick up the smaller varients of these; M733, AK Beta.

Like some other people have pointed out, many CQB places are semi only, on our ferry many people just run a GBB. MP7's are amazingly well built guns, the range and ROF are impressive for a gun of its size. On an outdoor field using one can be a bit challenging as the BBs move quite slowly through the air, but in a CQB setting it would be awesome. Alternativly you could also look into an AEP, sort of a compermise between an AEG and a GBB. Still inexpensive yet battery powered, loads of accessories and cheap mags (also 100rd hicaps!).
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