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Old July 7th, 2006, 03:12   #8
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: outside Edmonton
speak for yourself hockster.... you dont have your age up either dude. stop being a prick he asked a simple question, it was answered more or less. if you havnt noticed, hes american, their laws and rules for airsoft are most likely more slack than the laws here in canada. Your starting to sound like greylocks with your fuckin automated google this google that response.

Van, if you can get an ICS, Classic Army, or Tokyo Marui for that price range than you will be more than good, those guns are all great guns, TM being the most reliable, being said its plastic. ICS and CA are metal where metal should be. As per FPS, id recommend sticking with a stock gun for awhile, as its a huge change form a spring pistol, and a stock AEG can outgun upgraded ones sometimes, ive said it before, its about picking your shots. Play a bunch of games and go through a few bags of bb's before sending it in/upgrading yourself. With a stock mechbox id recommend no more than maybe 400 FPS, even 400 would be pushing it, as upgrades definatly wear things out FASTer

Most stock guns shoot between 270 and 310 FPS. Depends on manufacturer and model.

Personally ive spent close to a grand on my gun, and its nowhere near finished, thats just on external parts, need to upgrade the mechy soon. as soon as my external is done ill move onto the inside.
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