Thread: Sniper vs AEG
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Old May 23rd, 2017, 13:14   #5
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
Realistically, my MP5/M14/MK18/SR15 are just as accurate as my M24 within their ranges.
But the bolt action is just so damn satisfying.

Usually it's a force multiplier tool for me. Sniping isn't just about spotting and shooting guys from really far away. I used to use it in CQB to get those extremely difficult shots: Someone's shoe sticking out from cover, a gap between two panels, a small window between 2 branches, etc.
But it's also useful for guiding enemy squads, or suppressing them from a distance.
You don't always HAVE to hit someone, sometimes just knowing there's a sniper in range is enough to make people take a different route, OR running right out into the open not realizing there's people with AEGs to gun them down.
And you'd be amazed how many people think twice about moving up to new cover when I'm 350ft away and have no hope in hell of hitting them lol

At any given game, I'd say there's usually one bolt action to every 10-15 people. We once had a game of 50 people and we had like 8/25 people on one team with bolt actions lol
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