If Comrade Kalashnikov and the Party wanted AK to fit more ergonomically for you, you would have been issued a different set of limbs......
That said, doesn't look as bad as a lot of AK mods do, looks pretty decent.
Originally Posted by jomor
Dumb noob like question for you all. Will this fit on my Real Sword Ak? I have the one with the paratrooper swivel stock. Please and thanks
What you have is a Type 56 II, they were manufactured almost exclusively for export to outside nations, not for Domestic Chinese use, and are, in fact, very rare to find, or have found, in Chinese service. They were not designed for Paratroopers.
That said, likely, they will not just fit right on, you will have to do some dremel/file work. By the look of this magpul stuff and it's packaging, these are not PTS airsoft clone shit, even more likely as they were bought from CTC Supplies.