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Old March 6th, 2017, 17:13   #12
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Guelph, Ontario.
Reporting back in after some days of busy work. I wanted to thank each of you for your recommendations in what camouflage to choose from, I appreciate the experience behind these suggestions.

Having done some additional research and prowling the internet for possible gear to add onto a vest in a particular colour, I have chosen to go with Kryptek Mandrake as my new camouflage type to work with.

Mandrake upper wear with reinforced padding along elbows and forearms.
New vest will be an AK 47 Chest Rig by Beez Combat Systems in Mandrake
HSGI Sniper Waist Pack in Highlander to provide waist and rear molle webbing to carry magazines, so that I can go to prone easily if need be, this will be added shortly in the future.

I was able to find 556 magazine pouches in "Taco" style that can be found in a matching or very similar colour scheme, as well as smaller pouches for pistol magazines, and a dump pouch as well. Also found were magazine pouches in similar camo patterning that has a closable flap, which will probably work better if I am planning on hugging the dirt often as well, heh..
Only thing now is to look for a good sidearm holster that will allow me to draw fairly quick, but be able to do so as a left handed user, and to not interfere with the need to go prone.

Thank you once again for your suggestions and recommendations. Among all of the options suggested, I really liked the look of the Mandrake patterning and I will give a review on it after a game or two!
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