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Old January 31st, 2017, 10:38   #5
Join Date: Jan 2017
Originally Posted by riley_A View Post
First thing you should do is check your barrel and make sure its clean. If its not clean, remove the barrel from the hop up chamber, remove the bucking from the barrel, and clean the barrel. Dont use anything but a dry lint free cleaning cloth to swab your barrel. If you use any cleaning liquid or oil to clean your barrel, it'll leave residue in the bore which will subsequently affect your accuracy.

The next thing you should do is check your bucking and make sure its not worn or torn. Also wipe clean the inner surface of your bucking to make sure theres no oil on it. The bucking has to be able to grip the BB in order to give it backspin so if theres oil on it, that will negate the buckings ability to spin the BB consistently.

Once you've done all of those things, reassemble your hop up unit with your bucking and barrel. Make sure the bucking is straight on the barrel first of all (shouldnt be that hard as theres a groove on the bottom of the barrel that lines up with a ridge on the inside of the bucking). Now you can insert your barrel into your hopup chamber. Also make sure that your barrel is straight in your hop up chamber. If its not straight that could lead to slightly sideways hop being applied to the BB.

Giving everything a good clean should fix your issue. If it doesnt, then you haven a much larger problem on your hands
Thanks I will look into this. My buddy suggested that perhaps the barrel might be loose. This was my third game with this gun besides a few times shooting it outdoors.
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