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Old October 22nd, 2016, 00:43   #10
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
Radiusing isn't really necessary as long as your shell isn't shit and you aren't doing 500+ FPS without shock dampening.

I just think they should make the MOSFET standard for all of their AEGs, not just the Avalon series and use 16 AWG wire instead of 18. A motor upgrade would also be nice.
That is true, I still do it to all gearboxes i work on, call me old fashioned. I concure, this is 2016 not 2007 its not hard at all to integrate a mosfet into the design of the gun, it doesnt even have to be in the gearbox shell although it is nice when its done that way. Personally a motor upgrade is meh, krytac implimented it but they half assed it with the synthetic neo magnets, its much better then ferrite, and certainly better then VFCs current offering, but its not something to rave about, come to think of it I dont think there is a stock motor I dislike more then the VFC motor.

As far as quick change spring systems are concerned my krytac has one that is of the same desiegn as this one, and I like it alot, it makes gearbox disassembly and reassembly very easy, and secondly when you do do a spring swap it does save some time, you dont have to worry about accidentally bumping some shims around etc, its a nice feature. However it is not as great as the ares Quick change spring system, the buffer tube screw comes off and then a second screw goes all the way through to the spring guide and the spring guide is then part of the piece that helps hold the buffer tube, so swapping the spring can be done with the gun fully assembled and if you have yourself a long screw driver as you should if your removing buffer tubes, the spring swap takes less then a minute, it really is great, if only they made their recievers out of decent quality aluminum.
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I think that's the direction I should have gone with this one though.
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