Originally Posted by AnthonyG
So, in summary... It's still going to take me the 15 minutes to strip off all the fiddly bits to actual remove the gearbox before I can even do the quick change.
The main benefit from a tech'ing standpoint seems to be re-assembly of the shell.
Unless it is stuck in a body that has a threaded in buffer tube or threaded extension piece for the buffer tube to sit on. I have 2 G&G lowers that have threaded in extensions. If the qd spring guide ears fit through the lower with the extension threaded out it would be easy enough.
1. Unscrew buffer tube screw from spring guide
2. Remove above hardware & slide out buffer tube
3. Unscrew extension from lower
4. Remove spring guide.
I suppose any lower could be modded to do that, but one would want a lathe (with some sort of jig to hold lower) or mill to machine the back of the receiver extension down, then thread it and make a thread in extension or have the tube thread right in. I remember some acm body has threaded in buffer tube to the lower. Might have been shs or super shooter...
Zci body with threaded adapter: