I had a Cyma M14 Socom for a few years. Loved it.
It seems that I got a good one though, because it ran pretty well out of the box. A big downside to airsoft M14s is that V7 gearboxes (and clone variants) are a pain in the ass to work on. Techs hate them, and by virtue of that, hobbyists who pull their guns apart will only just get sad.
Techs hate "Box Guns" generally (gun parted out, troubleshooted by owner, possible modifications made "Please put it back together"), and receiving a V7 Box Gun will make a tech frown/ cost you many dollars, if they even accept it.
These things should steer you away from an airsoft M14 based on practical considerations alone.
Apart from that, mounting and carrying 7.62 NATO mags is a bitch. They're huge.
If your rig is MOLLE it will be single purpose, as no other magazine will work in the pouches you need. Your rig will need to be purpose-built for the M14 or you'll have to tear it down and rebuild it every time you want to switch to a different gun.
If you're playing skirmishes off of hicaps this isn't such a big deal, but for a milsim-type game trying to cram 10 magazines onto your body is a real challenge without bumping mags from your backpack into your rig.
If you *really* want an M14, go for it. Get a SOCOM if you want to be viable in dense bush/ CQB. But really, it's an expensive and impractical choice for typical run-and-gun airsoft games.