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Old February 10th, 2016, 11:19   #1
Join Date: Feb 2016
G&G GC16 MOD 0 A1 AEG vs G&G CM16 SRL or SRXL

Hey guys, I did a search but could not find anything specific to this question. I am just starting to get into airsoft (use to be an avid paintballer) and have narrowed it down to these two kits after researching for a while. I just wanted to double check the difference between these two kits and to receive any recommendations from the community.

From what I can tell, the MOD 0 A1 is full metal, but is based on the older GC series (does not have the MOSFET, does not have the electronic trigger, 3 round burst, etc) where as the new CM16 series does have all of this, as well as the Keymod rail, ergonomic grip, etc.

The price point for both of these are very similar (linked below), but unfortunately I cannot compare them in person. My questions are is it worth it to go with the full metal body over the new CM's?
Does anyone know if the internals are the same between the kits?
Are they both truly able to run Li-POs without issue?
Are there any differences I am missing between the two?

A quick aside about how I will be playing, I believe I would mostly be playing outside, but more CQC (speedball esc).
Thanks a lot for the help, here are the links (Canadian)
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