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Old December 1st, 2015, 09:11   #7
Skeletor's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Guelph, Ontario
GHK doesn't make a 416, guys. Your choices for a 416 are WE or VFC, basically. And I'd take a WE GBBR over a VFC GBBR any day.

I've owned both the WE 416 and the WE SCAR L. I think that they both share common trigger mech parts, so if you wanted to upgrade those bits you could pretty easily. However, I would say don't bother upgrading.

Buy a new SCAR or 416. Install an NPAS or flow restrictor discs from FG Airsoft. Keep the gun cleaned and lubed and just play. Newer WE offerings tend to be great out of the box, and no longer require immediate internal upgrades like they used to.

If you pick up a SCAR get the Angry Gun super recoil kit, it increases the RoF to some crazy level like 1000 or so, but also serves to both return the bolt to battery faster on semi and to increase felt recoil. If you get the 416 get a real M4 carbine buffer to get rid of bolt bounce and increase felt recoil.

With either one, only upgrade the trigger bits if something actually breaks. And with the higher quality of WE guns now that could be thousands and thousands of rounds fired.
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