Short of well tuned race guns for things like IPSC, I really doubt a majority of players mess w/ adjustable pistol sights short of perhaps dialing it in when they first get it.
At the ranges most pistol engagements are at, say 20-30ft, most people end up point shooting rather than taking their time to properly aim down sights.
I don't quite see a point in this poll at all or what it serves to do either. Is this supposed to be region specific thing? Ontario players w/ all their fancy indoor fields (much jelly) would probably end up using pistols quite often, while over here in BC where indoor fields are pretty much non existent, pistols seem to be more of an accessory that anything. I've only pulled my secondary two times in one season and that was during an end of day, not at all serious, empty you mags pistol game, and the other time was when my primary went dry while running to cover.
Also there's so much generalization and lack of information in your question... what's a serious airsoft player? A weekend skirmisher? Milsimmer? IPSC shooter? They're pretty varied in game types...
And you mention IPSC... for the most part I'm guessing you mean w/ pistols (haven't seen much 3-gun stuff) but that's kinda specialized and you're pretty much using pistols all the time, compared to a skirmish or milsim where a pistol is pretty much used when your primary is out or while you get to cover to get your primary back up.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.