Originally Posted by SuperN35
Nice... Thanks... I'm probably going to be a drop in type as well... I got work and real life stuff that keeps me busy, LOL
If you're going to be a drop in then run whatever you want. One of the guys I was playing with last weekend showed up in jeans and a hoodie, literally and he's an admin on the forums.
I'm going to assume you have a propane adaptor, if not then it's something I highly recommend. Get the Airsoft Innovations one with the silicone pump if you can.
Other than that, just have fun, it's not really supposed to be a super serious game or anything (but safety is important and everyone's responsibility). Yes there are "serious" milsims but you don't need to go to them if you don't want to, if your fix is coming out once a month and playing short skirmishes then all the power to you.