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Old May 4th, 2014, 14:30   #791
Join Date: Jan 2011
Hi everyone, ever since the SAI slides were announced I wanted to buy one and now I am seriously considering pre-ordering one. I would rather want the regular non-RMR one.

I kinda have this on my wishlist atm, could you tell me if I am going the right way? I want to use this for CQB skirms and for some IPSC from time to time.

TM Glock 17
Gunsmodify SAI slide
Gunsmodify blowback unit
Nineball hop rubber
PDI 6.01 precision barrel or Nine Ball 6.03
Nine Ball mag seal rubbers
Guarder steel night sights
Shooters Design 150% hammer spring
Guarder magazine catch

Also, is there a difference between the regular and custom mags besides the extended look?
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