For the project im building im taking a cyma m4 and building it into a more reliable cqb gun for here at xtreme tactics.
The parts i have for the build are as follows.
Matrix full tune up kit.
shs tappet plate
Shs selector plate
king arms soft type 40° hop up
b&w 6.04 tightbore inner barrel 301mm
metal one peice hopup
cyma mechbox wired to rear
Big dragon metal body kit
Magpul moe pistol grip
magpul mbus
vtol front railed flip up sight
matrix cqbr front conversion
and 200mm silencer
I heard from a few sources that matching parts is the best way to make the internals really consistance and reliable so thats why i went with the matrix ftk. Im not trying to spend too much as im also saving up to buy an outdoor only gun for this upcoming outdoor season.
Loves me some CQB