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Old December 30th, 2013, 14:53   #20
Zack The Ripper
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So far the A+ rubber is stellar in my M4. I have the still tune it a bit because even on low hop setting it is still giving my rounds slightly upwards arcing at 50+ feet as I am having to aim low at those distances.

I'm almost certain that the PDI W-Hold will have the same effectiveness as using it in my WE G17 its sending .25's on a perfect straight laser line with very little left-right deviation. It has actually increased the effective range (meaning long as well as accurate) on my Glock to a solid 75 feet. I'm sure the results will be very welcomed when coupled with the longer barrel and higher velocity of my M4 or my new SCAR.

More to follow.
Guardians of Asgaard
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