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Old December 18th, 2013, 16:13   #17
Zack The Ripper
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Location: CFB Shilo, MB
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Kinda a necro, but thought I would update:

I have an A+ 60° hop rubber currently in my WE OB custom CQBR length rifle and holy hell do my BBs go far at 370fps. I have to dial the hop down more still as the rubber sends BBs to the sky even on very low hop settings (I also am only using .20/.25 BBs (indoor season).

I recently picked up a PDI W-Hold rubber that I have installed in my WE G17 as a tester for pistol use. I will run each rubber in each platform respectively, note the consistency in test and gameplay shooting for both, and after a few games I will swap the PDI into my CQBR and start testing again. Once I have some feedback regarding both rubbers I will post a comparison of both either here or somewhere else for people to view. I will also pick up in the near future a Maple Leaf 75° rubber and a Nineball rubber to compare those down the road as well.

Preferably I would like to do primarily outdoor testing for all rubbers I will be comparing as consistency at range is what I'm really looking to analyze, so I may have to wait until the weather is around the 20°C mark to give a detailed and true average-day review, but by summer I will have one done and will post results. I will do some indoor testing as well throughout the cold months to compare results to the outdoor testing.

As eluded to above, I will also be testing the rubbers in my WE G17, and likely my TM 5-7 as a gauge for pistol use.

Hopefully when it comes out it won't disappoint.

Ripper out.
Guardians of Asgaard
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