Your best bet is to get the pistol that fits your hand best, something you'll be comfortable shooting/manipulating. Decide on what model you want, then find out what brand makes the best version of that model. The answer is usually TM IMO. Think about what features you want, e.g., DA/SA or SA only trigger.
I have a TM PX4, I can't say enough good things about it. Very snappy recoil/cycling, shoots very well stock as TMs tend to do. Very nice build quality, extremely solid feel, nice fit & finish. The one design flaw is the trigger spring, it has a habit of breaking.
Another one to consider IMO is the WE M&P. WE had a terrible reputation for making shitty pistols (especially their 1911s) but some of their new ones are starting to break that trend. Their Sig and M&P have been getting some good reviews. Of course parts may be an issue with these guns.
Last edited by Kozzie; June 23rd, 2013 at 22:14..