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Old April 27th, 2013, 15:06   #4
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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Originally Posted by Don.McClain View Post
Okay, If you saw me on the street, you could easily tell that I am NOT Chinese, i look more German then anything else, but I was curious if any white boys that were in china wore the chinese uniform, because i'll be honest, some of their kit is pretty cool and i was considering getting some of it for operations
If you're talking about service men who were there to train the Chinese, HIGHLY doubtful if anyone wore any uniforms except for those of their nations, with maybe a small exception that can be counted on one hand.

If you're talking about civilians in China who felt the need/desire/call to take up arms and enlist, that's a little different, I've seen a few documentaries where they've interviewed Europeans or North Americans who fought in the Chinese Civil War, and it wouldn't be hard to imagine they'd also fought in WWII. Of the people interviewed, most had fought on the side of the Red Chinese, though a few had fought for the KMT.

Originally Posted by Karsten Heidt View Post
In any case, reenacting outside your ethnic group is entirely accepted provided you do so with accuracy, so there's nothing stopping you just straight up portraying a Chinese soldier of the period, should you choose.
^ This. Look at the amount of Asian and Slavic individuals in the Wehrmacht and S.S. units around, and not just Ontario. If we were to hold true to period guidelines for service, none of these units would be capable of fielding more than maybe 4 people.

As an individual starting to assemble an impression from the 22nd Infantry Regiment, 24th Division, of the 32nd Army, let me tell you that the IJA is mostly made up of Chinese and White people, there are very few Japanese in it, outside of Japan.

I'd say the only particularly "accurate" army in terms of race, would be the Soviet Red Army, WWII or otherwise, and that's only because of the ethnic diversity faced by a nation like the C.C.C.P. due to it's size and the regions it drew from.

In short, be whatever you want to be for the purposes of re-enacting, just behave how you're expected to behave in character. This may not apply for the airsoft world as it really seems to be more of a period based skirmish or milsim with a side of re-enacting.

Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Last edited by Gato; April 27th, 2013 at 15:15..
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