Thread: indoor game fps
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Old August 29th, 2012, 21:51   #48
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Location: Windsor, Ont
Originally Posted by DavidoftheDoell View Post
Some people like myself are not comfortable telling the host that they don't like the way things are done and will simply not go. Some of you recommended this behavior but it doesn't give the host a chance to accommodate, if they are even willing to. You've gotten this community's view maybe you should hand out surveys after games and have an online one to make sure you're not losing players because of high fps.
Actually the reason I "took over" is because the sudden enforcement of the strict 350fps rule drove away a large amount of our player base. I'm hesitant to post in detail, but the opposition has been very very vocal from a small number of people. The people who immediately returned after the implementation of the current rules outnumbers the players complaining by several times, and my current problem is a matter of the field not supporting as many players as we have been getting.

I find all the players are becoming more of a safety concern then the fps rating because of the volume of fire (even on semi auto) that can be focused on people in the open.

Edit: I am working with the field hosts to modify the layout to allow for increased player count.
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